Kaladaan A Period of poor record keeping

A Period of poor record keeping

Political event


270 AE 375 AE:

  Impossibly, records only exist regarding two elected leaders during this 105-year period, whilst this does not seem credible, the following account is as honest as it can be.

270 AE - ?:

  Emperor Joran Honmire – The Banker. Many a tale is told about Emperor Honmire, not all are flattering, in fact, and arguably most aren’t. Also known as the Emperor of Taxation, Honmire did manage to fill the treasury during his time. It is widely assumed he did help himself to treasury funds rather freely, however, to his great credit, he did not drain them dry, or so it is said. This holds true, to this day we have a healthy treasury with minimal management.   It is recorded that Honmire laid the very first foundation stone of this very library. If I may, I personally hold him in high esteem for that alone.   I digress.   Largely peaceful times, given no serious pressure or crisis, The Banker had an unremarkable, ordinary run-in office. There is no clear record of how, why or when he left office – or what happened to him from there (of course there are rumours, persistent ones, that he hired some clever folks who could make explosive black powder. Then he hired some other folk who were somewhat adept for using said powder to…get their way with some things – from there they began to recruit, so the rumour goes).  

? – 375:

  Empress Hally Stormeye – Justice. Despite no war, at least no threat from any wars (i.e., the Kingdom or Erayax), Hally still managed to live in violent and dangerous times. Crime was rife and the Empire was unsettled because of this.   Empress Stormeye established the first Empire wide sheriff or policing system to address the increasingly brazen attacks, thefts, murders on every road in the empire.   Being an adversarial lot, the sheriff’s approach quickly established more people stalking highways for victims rather than less. Violence was now on the increase, whereby previously some almost mischievous stealing; now violence was almost a certainty from either side.   Hally had implemented widespread reforms none the less when she was killed in a roadside incident in 375 AE.   This rolled into a period of civil strife for a decade or so. Arguably, the Empire was at its most lawless state between about 375 and 385 (or thereabouts).

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