Kaladaan An ancient crypt discovered

An ancient crypt discovered

Discovery, Exploration


Rumours, an extremely common part of Ashnoorian life, whether you’re a Hadovean, a Geldheimer, one of the free folks or, and this should surprise nobody, one of the Erayax or an inhabitant in their lands. Rumours are perhaps the one shared aspects of life everywhere in Ashnoor. So, it was no surprise that after the earthquakes to the north in some newly opened territories that there were rumours of untold wealth after an ancient crypt had been exposed during the violent upheaval of the lands. Of course, the actual earthquakes had happened months ago now, news isn’t the only thing that travels slowly in Ashnoor and, in all likelihood, news as such travels fairly swiftly most of the time. So rumours had time to gain a life of their own, despite this, both factions could not risk their opponents discovering some truths to any of the rumours, particularly the rumours of wealth and an ancient crypt… Expeditions were hastily put together from both major factions using a mixture of their standing armies and various sell swords and free folk for hire. The Kingdom of Geldheim had the furthest to travel and took the step of using their navy to transport their expeditionary forces to the west coast of Ashnoor well above Hadovean territory. Because of the likelihood of encountering Erayax or hostile local forces, or a mix of both neither faction force was particularly seeking the other out on this occasion. Hadovean forces simply marched in a north westerly direction before rounding the northern range and turning to a north easterly direction.

The journey had been hard going on both groups with significant losses along the way, however, in disaster and chaos, opportunities can arise, if you are brave enough to seize them....and lucky enough to survive them.   Even Ashnoor’s climate was diverse and dangerous, there were places in Ashnoor so cold that the briefest exposure without protective layers would mean death. Likewise, there were places that were hot, hellishly so, even in the allegedly cooler months. The heat and humidity in this newly opened area to the north of Hadovean territory was on the hot side of things. Even among Lerdras team a couple had succumbed to heat and dehydration. The adventurers, soldiers and healers had faired no better.   Lerdras prided himself on his “intel” though, his team were well ahead of the “pieces” as he called the various players from the factions and the free lands. Regardless of what they would find, his team would capture the stories and images – they would capture the moment.   Lerdras considered himself a failure as a soldier, but he had found his niche with making news happen and, among his peers and colleagues, his fighting skill had kept them able to report on more than one occasion.   Lerdras had tagged along amongst a couple of sell swords attached to the Empire force as they neared the area rumours had suggested searching in firstly. Eight of them had survived the journey after a few mishaps that proved deadly and some deadly encounters with beasts and “locals”. They had found the first inkling of a rumour being at least slightly true on the 17th day of Avlene 1258, when they literally stumbled upon an opening into a dark, dank dungeon like chasm beneath them. Presently however, through the opening could be spied a series of rooms and complex tunnel network, some collapsed opened before them in the flickering torch light.   An all too familiar sound pricked Lerdras’ ears and he deftly disappeared into the shadows in time to avoid the battle to come. He had heard the faint sound of a blade slipping a scabbard, into or out of did not matter, what mattered was that it was none of the group he was with.   A short and nasty fight ensued in the flickering light, some of the tunnels collapsed during this fight, Lerdras almost got caught by one collapse, but he saved his manuscript, oh, and himself. He took note of the clever trap set up the Geldheimers had created in some tunnels and rooms. Of course he also noted the methods Hadoveans used to eliminate some traps and set up their own. In the darkness it was also difficult to tell if there were “others” as yet unidentified in the crypt with them – it did not take long to realise this was a vast and ancient crypt. Some guessed it to be around 500 years old. If correct there may actually be some old records around about this place. Of course, there was really not much written information on any of the newly opened up territories to the north, or at least not readily recognised as such.   Once the first skirmish died down – obviously both groups were not at their full strength, Scorla recognised Red Company badges in both faction groups, he smiled to himself, chuckling, “Sell swords will make the most overall here” he mused to himself.   Both factions found ways to go deeper into the crypt – Their next encounter was a treasure chamber of sorts – with a complex mechanism that opened the various chamber doors – it was quickly noted that the doors did not generally remain open for very long.   Almost with a touch of irony both factions in the midst of this fighting, competing for treasures realised that the pervasive heat was still unbearable even this deep into the crypt. Upon gathering significant treasures, no artifacts to speak of though, both groups disengaged and independently of each other decided not to press on further into the crypt.   Both the heavy losses, the heat and the unknown dangers within dissuaded the now smallish groups from pressing their luck any further. They would report their findings back to their individual factions.  

The journey Home: 18 Avlene 1258 - Empire

  Despite the jovial banter and the casual appearances, the small band of adventurers did not miss a thing – watching them from my vantage point I could see they were aware of myself and the scattered group of interested “locals” spying on them as they made their way back home. I could not help but admire the, at face value, sensible decision to halt the expedition and return home to report, the survivors on both sides had done well to have made it has far as they did. I hope their leader’s see it the same way.   It was largely an uneventful march home over the next several days. There was grumbling along the way about a range of topics, all fairly typical as far as this correspondent is concerned. Some of the grumbling did however blame the Geldheimers for messing things up – I will be completely unsurprised to hear that is mutual though.   I am hoping to interview a senior officer shortly after our return to follow up on the fate of the survivors, find out if there are plans to return to the crypt and ask what they know about Kingdom plans… Stay tuned.

Lerdras “Scoop” Scorla


20 Avlene 1256 – Kingdom

  I really got lucky with a sea voyage. After a quiet, bordering on dull march back to the coast, two Geldheim Navy frigates met us. The voyage home was an exciting time, some of the party were dreadfully ill, some of my writing team were ill, the rest of us revelled in the salt air, wind and waves. I honestly could not report a win or a loss regarding this expedition. I doubt the Geldheim ruler will opt for another journey anytime soon, but I could be wrong. Despite the losses, despite the various setbacks the party were returning with some significant wealth gathered and something more valuable, information. We in the news understand the value of information far more keenly than others perhaps.   I make special mention here of the haste with which some grumbling went from being about the oppressive heat to being about the wind, waves and throwing up…

Ange “The Quill” Mendine

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