Kaladaan Battles Large and Small Timeline

Battles Large and Small

A timelined record of the various campaigns on the island of Ashnoor along with snippets of the other stories in the land.

  • 1253 AE

    10 Avlene
    1253 AE

    26 Soeyre

    The Brittlestone Mine
    Military action

    first action in Vespilli campaign 1

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  • 1253 AE

    26 Wieyar
    1253 AE

    26 Wieyar

    Vespilli River campaign: 26 Wieyar 1253 AE
    Military: Battle

    Despite furious resistence it was a short day's work to finalise this campaign.

    Almost frustratingly fast considering the months of hardship and sacrifice it had taken to get to be here on this day.

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  • 1254 AE

    23 Xumdione
    1254 AE

    6 Grigori

    Empire expands it's territory
    Military action

    A decisive victory having defeated a sizeable group of defenders in the field at the first battle of the campaign.

    Contested Lands
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  • 1254 AE

    23 Xumdione
    1254 AE

    6 Grigori

    Uaimh Coibheniel campaign
    Military action

    As campaigns go this was a relatively short one, as far as the fighting went.

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  • 1254 AE

    10 Ildres
    1256 AE

    27 Ayvla

    Siege of Pont and other events
    Military: War

    The protracted siege of Pont began with an inocuous river battle.
    It became a cumbersome siege for both factions that drew out over almost two years.

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  • 1254 AE

    10 Ildres
    1256 AE

    27 Wieyar

    The Siege of Pont
    Military: War

    A two year siege of the River town of Pont.

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  • 1254 AE

    25 Behblin
    1255 AE

    26 Avlene

    Vespilli taken
    Military action

    Geldheim launched a second attempt to take Vespilli under their direct influence.

    Contested Lands
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  • 1257 AE

    25 Avlene
    1257 AE

    4 Soeyre

    Monarch Tea Ceremony of 1257
    Political event

    Due to the death of King Allard leaving no surving heir, the Monarch Rose Tea Ceremony is organised against a backdrop of civil unrest

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  • 1257 AE

    4 Soeyre
    1257 AE

    4 Soeyre

    Monarch Tea Ceremony
    Civil action

    One of the more dangerous Monarch Tea ceremonies out of recent ones. The backdrop of violence in the streets increased participants risk, some did not survive.

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  • 1257 AE

    14 Soeyre
    1257 AE

    16 Soeyre

    1257 – Coronation
    Political event

    A new King is crowned and his reign commences.

    Long Live King Benlay

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  • 1257 AE

    24 Soeyre 1300:00
    1257 AE

    26 Soeyre 1750:00

    Empire 1257 Campaign Blackwoods and Pixiewood
    Military: Battle

    Empire forces move to secure the trade route between Blackwoods and Pixiewoods in the Contested Territory.

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  • 1257 AE

    4 Xumdione
    1257 AE

    16 Xumdione

    The Battle of Sweetwater Forest.
    Military: Battle

    Free folk from contested territory are in open rebellion, predominantly against the Hadovian Empire, however, Kingdom forces chose this time to also launch an attack.

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  • 1257 AE

    28 Bardaga 1300:00
    1257 AE

    28 Bardaga 1700:00

    Return to Tenor
    Military action

    Months have passed since the blitz on Hemlock Vale and the capture of the stronghold’s guardian, Kindred the Bane. Since then, Rangers in the employ of The House of Smith have searched near endlessly for the missing Ravager.

    Hemlock Vale
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  • 1257 AE

    30 Wieyar

    Battle at Stilttown
    Military: Skirmish
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  • 1257 AE

    27 Ayvla 12:00
    1257 AE

    27 Ayvla 17:00

    Moridale force ambushed in Sweetwater forest
    Military: Battle

    Over the past couple month and a half, the Duchy of Moridale has been sitting on a rather large payday. At the beginning of this waiting period, the duke seemed to have come into the possession of valuable goods that once belonged to the Kingdom of Geldheim. Though something such as this would normally be something great news to the duke, he was now faced with the issue of getting it to doomsayers and fencing the goods.

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  • 1257 AE

    10 Ildres 1200:00
    1257 AE

    10 Ildres 1700:00

    An Incident at Akan Krul
    Military: Battle

    The hilly north-eastern borders have always been something of a problem for the Hadovean Empire, from Erayax assaults on the west end at Tenor and stubborn dwarves levying huge tariffs and extortionate tolls on trade in the Hills of Bardaga to the east.

    Akan Krul
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  • 1257 AE

    13 Pelaphon
    1257 AE

    17 Pelaphon

    Attack on Raven Clans Camp
    Military: Skirmish

    While Raven Clan and the House of Smith were celebrating in the Raven Clan Longhouse in Shades End. A raiding party for the island to the East raided the Raven Clan camp.

    Shades End
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  • 1258 AE

    7 Elyendal

    Raid on Argents Landing
    Military: Skirmish
    Argent's Landing
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  • 1258 AE

    26 Elyendal
    1258 AE

    3 Avlene

    Dragon Encounter in the Western Redicovered Land
    Military: Skirmish

    After a map was found leading to the location of a cave in the Western Rediscovered Lands. Both the Hadovean and Geldheim forces encountered a very powerful and awe inspiring adversary. In the battle following they were lucky to escape with their lives

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  • 1258 AE

    17 Avlene
    1258 AE

    17 Avlene

    An ancient crypt discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rumours, an extremely common part of Ashnoorian life, whether you’re a Hadovean, a Geldheimer, one of the free folks or, and this should surprise nobody, one of the Erayax or an inhabitant in their lands. Rumours are perhaps the one shared aspects of life everywhere in Ashnoor. So, it was no surprise that after the earthquakes to the north in some newly opened territories that there were rumours of untold wealth after an ancient crypt had been exposed during the violent upheaval of the lands. Of course, the actual earthquakes had happened months ago now, news isn’t the only thing that travels slowly in Ashnoor and, in all likelihood, news as such travels fairly swiftly most of the time. So rumours had time to gain a life of their own, despite this, both factions could not risk their opponents discovering some truths to any of the rumours, particularly the rumours of wealth and an ancient crypt… Expeditions were hastily put together from both major factions using a mixture of their standing armies and various sell swords and free folk for hire. The Kingdom of Geldheim had the furthest to travel and took the step of using their navy to transport their expeditionary forces to the west coast of Ashnoor well above Hadovean territory. Because of the likelihood of encountering Erayax or hostile local forces, or a mix of both neither faction force was particularly seeking the other out on this occasion. Hadovean forces simply marched in a north westerly direction before rounding the northern range and turning to a north easterly direction.

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