The Rat and Cup Building / Landmark in Kaladas | World Anvil
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Kaladas, the stolen lands, 193 AN

The Rat and Cup

The Rat and Cup caters to travelers on a tight budget. Here, the fare is wholesome, but basic. It has a large common room and offers five private rooms for rent.   COST
  • Accommodation (private room/night) 5 sp
  • Accommodation (common room/night) 2 sp
  • Meal (per day) 3 sp
  • Ale (mug) 4 cp
  • Wine (pitcher) 2 sp
  • Homevale wine 2gp
The young, dynamic owner, Issodair Highhill hurls himself into each day with unrestrained enthusiasm. He is popular with locals and travelers alike, but his business skills are not as developed as his flute-playing. Recently, the inn has been the scene of several nasty brawls.
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