100 Names of God

I may call upon God simply with my father or my god, but there are one-hundred names for him, one-hundred qualities he posses like the one-hundred eyes and rays from the sun
— An Asfye Cleric
  Chanting the 100 Names of God is often used for comfort for those of the Asfye faith. It is often done prior to praying the Yozanmél in order to clear the mind and focus on praying.  

The 100 Names and Their Meanings

Each of the 100 Names of God encapsulates a unique aspect of the divine. Some of these names highlight God's compassion, wisdom, and strength, while others emphasize qualities such as justice, mercy, and creativity. By contemplating these names, the faithful gain a richer and more nuanced understanding of their deity.  


I say his names again and again and I feel calm again, the world stops spinning out ahead for me. I feel safe, I feel calm
Ponlacha Gechaj
  Mantras and chanting calm people, and it is common throughout all of Kalan's religious practices. Nowhere is it as strong as in the Őlóv Daghlóv where it is apart of the act of praying alongside ritual washing.


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Aug 4, 2024 02:40 by Deleyna Marr

I enjoyed exploring your world because the article intrigued me.

Aug 30, 2024 14:12 by Harrison

What an interesting idea, I would love to see what some of the names that are chanted are.