Father Azvajor's Asfye Dictionary

Father Azvajor's Asfye Dictionary is a dictionary for the Asfye Language, in particular the formal Gashagéz dialect group.  

About the Dictionary

Father Hazévajor was a Hasafye priest from The Homeland. As a scholar of the Southern Hasafye, he turned his attention to compling a dictionary intended for teaching children to read and write in Gashagéz, so they could read The Holy Books.   Indeed, it served that purpose. However, with the flight of Hasafye peoples towards the Uganë Empire, these refugees took with them this dictionary. With this too, the dictionary has been sold in small numbers, repackaged with an Uganic translation, for those who wish to understand their new neighbours  

Oskeru's Copy

Suppose they're a map of my thoughts throughout the years. If you can read them that is.
Oskeru Froya to Dagoza
  Oskeru bought his copy at the Gankvib Proghe byi Zahku byi in his hedy university days. His studies, interest in journalism and "Hasafye flight" all colagulated into him attempted to learn the language. But before embarassing himself in the "Immigrants Quarter", he decided to get a headstart on reading and writing.   Most notable about this weatherworn copy, still held by him today, nearly 20 years after his university graduation, is the many annotations. In some sections, the annotations have been layered over one another, and have become imcomprhensible, even to Oskeru himself. He annoted after translating letter sent from monk and priests and other on-the-ground witnesses as he reported on the situation in the homeland, filling in the extra knowledge that Father Hazévajor left out of his simple dictionary.


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