Names & True Names


Oorr in Lald, a name is an identifier for an individual that may or may not be unique to them. This is used for others to identify and relate to the individual without knowing their True Name. Names may have power over the individual, such as making them aware of another calling them, the extent of power they have is very limited and easily rebuffed if wanted or required.

Many cultures have names relating to the group as well as the individual to help further identify. A family name, such as the Kvisvir, identifies a group of individuals who have a blood relation to one another.  

True Name

One's True Name, Ooll in Lald, GhTi in Haseh, and Bica in Nihyo, is an organ of the soul that is one's uniqueness / identity / individuality. While it can be expressed & influenced by its word, it is wholly contained in the soul

Like a heart or liver, the True Name is not often experienced, even though it is vital to every living being. More intelligent creatures, rela & oql, are able to contemplate the self enough to experience & express the True Name in themselves & others.
by Kriltch
The True Name is near-never complete in its development at birth. While it does have a base "sound", the True Name typically completes when the being reaches maturity. This is not to say the True Name will remain as -is, on the contrary, it can & most-likely will change due to damage, individual growth, & outside pressures. However, the base "sounds" of the being will remain temporally consistent from completion.

Many cultures ritualize the completion of the True Name. The culture's values reflect on the type of ceremony observed. Communal cultures, like the Soakk people, have a grand party where an elder identifies an individual in front of a group of close family & friends. A more individualized culture, Oakn, have a private meeting between an elder & the recently matured. Other cultures admire introspection & trust the youth to find their own True Names.

While people who are not the individual may experience a true name through written word, vocalized utterances or sounds, or other expressions, they may not witness a True Name. A True Name's word, sound, etx. is a conception expression of the organ. To use other words to describe this nebulous concept: the name is individuality conceptualized for the outside world to experience. True Names can never truly be experienced by anyone other than the individual; if it were to be experienced fully, that other soul would influence the True Name, removing even just a little uniqueness in place of that other.

Having knowledge of another's True Name is extremely dangerous for them, as could be well-imagined. The largest concern is that having another's True Name will allow for almost complete control, greater & with more ease than dominating one's mind with telepathy.
by Kriltch
by Kriltch
A True Name's function is to be the binding force of the soul to the body. The suzal absorbs all soul & entropy will have the suzal uniform. This would be the case if life didn't exist. Life joins or is the joint product of a soul acting in tandem with a body. It is the True Name that links the soul and the body. As the body grows through childhood, so to does the being gain a hold on the world, the soul gains purchase on the body. Every being is born with a body and soul, but the True Name and attachment is small. This is also a primary reason sexual maturity tends to coincide with maturing. To make more life, parts of the True Names of the parents are passed to the conceived as a point to grow from, like a crystal.


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