
As seen in
This is my pet entry for a chapter challenge

The tai'ibia, also known as the abaia by countries to the north-east, are creatures that have found homes in their native coral reefs as well as the homes of many sub-aquatic rela domiciles. In fact, they have become so admired and desired that they are in the top five most popular pets of the world.

They have three of the most necessary qualities: use, temperament, and least importantly, aesthetics. Their use is what allowed them to enter the hearts of millions, they are excellent pest control. As apex predators in their natural habitat, they use that skill to catch vermin first around homes then in homes. Next, their temperament is all but made to fit a family or even solo residence. They will treat their owners as part of their flock and will protect them just as vehemently. Finally, they are beautiful creatures.  



Ayabba’aru in the Pakangeb sea were the first to domesticate tai'ibia thousands of years ago. Some playfully argue that it was the tai'ibia that domesticated their ayabba'aru as their haughty demeanor would have one believe. However, it was the farmers and home-creators that found that their natural pest-control and guarding ability to me most desirable. No longer would sucker fish feed on them while sleeping nor would a troupe of shrimp decemate an algae supply right before winter.

They were also not intrusive as they would keep to nooks, crannys, and crevices of the home (pantries, behind furniture, in unused rooms, the like). That is, unless they were called out for affection or desired affection themselves. They have and do love the rubbing of scales. However, if they get too antsy or if they are rubbed the wrong way they may send a jolt of electricity or a bite to their immediate flock. They have taken to living in homes and eating small pests such as sucker fish. Finding it natural to move from crevices in reefs and rocks to cabinetry and behind furniture in homes.

Domestication slowly evolved from pest control to companionship. Modern domesticated tai'ibia are smaller (also growing to smaller maximum sizes). They also tend to be fed intelligent-made food rather than hunting themselves, cans and papers of store-bought food stuffs to be found in bowls. And too, many have had their guarding duties have lessened. Now, their temperament towards strangers quelled in favor of a more welcoming creature, in some areas. Many people still use them to guard their homes.


Wild tai'ibia can be huge; they are monsters in their own right. They find their home in coral reefs and do not have the temperment of their domesticated cousins. In fact, many are quite dangerous if provoked and one should take caution when entering the territory of a known tai'ibia. Even the tai'bia's flock knows to leave them alone, as they are the kings of the reef.


Tai'ibia are solitary hunters with territories that are only crossed for breeding and, on rare occasions, for friendship. They are fiercely territorial, not only of their space but also the creatures that reside therein, their flock. They will treat sharks, fish, starfish, and everything else as a kind of family. They have a keen understanding of which parts of their family are edible and which shouldn't be eaten.

Their temperment ranges from nurturing to violent, only relatable to the Bohbaegzjul or the Venigao. They are normally the former unless provoked by either their own safety or the endangerment of their flock. When protecting themselves or their flock, their natural Ghoa - Magic allows them to grow greatly in size. Domesticated Tai'ibia have been bred to not grow so large, but wild can grow to be larger than even the tmseh drake. A sudden increase in size of an enraged ta'ibia has been known to cause unnatural weather phenomena on the surface, like storms or even tidal waves. The lightning in those storms may be from the electricity they generate. No one is quite sure why, but it seems the electricity they generate somehow enables their sudden growth.
Major Reln: Mur


They are eels, in the end, with long slender bodies and tiny fins by gaping maws. Their scales are black with several kinds of iridescence. In the wild, a Tai'ibia's iridescence is affected by their enfiornment, tending to be a similar color tot he prodominant colorscape of the corals and rocks. This, without much speculation required, is camaflague they use to hunt. Shiny things are attractive, so this of course has been bred to give the domesticated Tai'ibia lovely sheens of purple and blue, orange and ping, to the more exotic oil that would not otherwise appear in nature.   Scale patterns aren't the only thing that has been specificically bred. The tawny tai'ibia have an orange iridiscence and tend to have wider tails with slight frills. And, their temperment through all of the inbreeding is a bit more chaotic and mischevious than, say, an abbysal with its black sheen and self-relient attitude.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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