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History of Kaliij

Age of Partrinex

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The era over which presided the supremely dominant ancient empire, before its eventual collapse into the many distinct cultures of the current era.

Era of Strife

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Following the collapse of Partrinex, an era of upheaval and transformation overtook the Continent as various former subjects of the empire rose up and laid claim to their respective lands. Much of the history from this time is vague and based in guesses, as few historical fragments survive. Most modern histories begin their accounts of specific regions or peoples in this era.

  • 10th Year of Strife
    The First Weaving

    When the upper class of Katamarin fell to in-fighting and chaos over the events of the Great Breaking, it was assumed that the well-to-do were not long for this world. However, a humble tailor by name of Erlinus is said to have wrought some great work of magic which ended the conflict in a day. This event, known as the First Weaving, is shrouded in myths, with the only surviving accounts of those days firmly in the hands of the Tailory. Nevertheless, the Elnemoran Empire would not exist as it does today, had not Erlinus first bound the ruling houses.

Current Era

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The contemporary period in which the various descendants of the fallen Partrinexian Empire vie for control over the Continent. Historians refer to this era as the Current Era, or the age in which history began to be recorded. The oldest documents that have been discovered and preserved date back to the beginning of this era.

  • 7323 CE

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    Embers of Legend Begins

    In which a group of unlikely people joined forces to help aggrieved parents find their missing son.