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Elnemora is an empire that rose up in the aftermath of the Great Shattering seemingly overnight. Legend has it that the first Emperor Katram I, took up the insurmountable task of rebuilding the ruins of Partrinex's capital city. Over the course of many decades, the work progressed. Out of ashes, beauty. Out of catastrophe, a new effervescent order.
  Though much of Elnemora's history can be found in the places its influence has been felt, the heart of Elnemoran affairs remains as ever, centered on its capital of Katamarin.   A city without equal, Katamarin's pre-eminence among cities on Kaliij has led rumours and stories of its grandeur to grow and spread to every corner of every land. If there is an ethos to the Elnemoran Empire, it would be encapsulated in the notion that what was once destroyed never truly died, but can be restored to its former glory and reach ever greater heights.


Elnemora is governed by the Emperor, who is supported by the Emperor's Privy Council. The Privy Council consists of the Grand Tailor, the Chancellor Exchequer, the Mayor of Katamarin, the Highmarshal, and the Governor-Overseer.   The Privy Council's members discuss matters of policy and advise the Emperor, who rules on issues when in attendance at meetings. In the Emperor's absence, the Grand Tailor acts as the Emperor's Voice and issues ad hoc decrees and rulings.   Under the Privy Council, the landed Noble Houses of the empire govern their respective domains. All Noble Houses swear fealty directly to the Emperor, and are regularly tithed by the Chancellor Exchequer's agents. The members of the Tailory function as Imperial Emissaries with respect to the Noble Houses, and are often seen visiting those families' estates for any number of reasons. Only the most esteemed (and politically valuable) figures are permitted (and indeed encouraged) to visit the Imperial Court where the Emperor and his council sit.   Within the Noble Houses, those families that hold title to entire provinces or petty kingdoms are Dukes. Under the Dukes, families of middling means who govern smaller regions within a province or kingdom are Counts. Lastly, the lowest landed title conferred to families is that of Baron, which generally is accompanied with a large tract of land and a minimum of one settlement that acts as that parcel of land's administrative centre. Several members of the nobility with lower titles rise to prominence in the court for other reasons, be it a particularly remarkable scandal, or some other trait which lends them a greater value in the perception of the court.   Generally speaking, every Noble House with a legitimate title is afforded a property within the vaunted Noble Quarter of Katamarin. Not every family makes regular use of these buildings, but the most powerful without exception make it a priority to spend at least a season of every year inhabiting their city manse.   The day-to-day governance of the Imperial Capital Katamarin is run by the Mayor and the city council. These councillors are ostensibly selected as representatives from every quarter in Katamarin, but in practice most every seat is invariably filled by a member of the nobility who couldn't attain greater prestige through inheritance alone. Certain outliers exist where prominent members of the common citizenry distinguish themselves through either great contributions or acts of commerce, or sometimes so the rumours go, unfathomable bribery.   The Treasury   The Army   The Navy   The Governors  


See Elnemoran .   In brief, the Elnemoran culture is derived largely from the upper classes of the Partrinexian Empire before the fall, or at least the best estimations of what the upper classes were like. Elitist, highly stratified, and culturally rigid, the Elnemorans would never change their traditions were it not for the highly volatile and ever-shifting narrative surrounding their ancestors.

Public Agenda

Elnemora is intent on reunifying the old empire of Partrinex through a complex inter-connected system of Noble Houses that all pay homage to the Emperor, and which are outward-facing. By being at least ambivalent towards the diverse cultures of the people in what was once Partrinex, Elnemora is able to broker pacts that divert power and wealth towards the Empire's coffers.

The Truth is a Sword, But Deception is the Swordarm

Founding Date
10 years after the Fall of Partrinex (allegedly)
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The New Empire, Katram's Pride, The Inheritors
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Subsidiary Organizations

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