Aurelian Civil War

Following the Coup of the Stellings Royal Family in 717 2A it was generally assumed that the Vitri family had killed the entirety of the royal family, so even those who hated the Vitri's for it didn't have anyone to lead them in replacing the Vitri's. Any of the other major families that made a bid to overthrow the Vitri family would be seen as throne hungry and just as bad as them.   This all changed in 740 when Zelena Stellings returned to Aurelia and in so doing gave dissenters a person to get behind. The Aurelian Civil War soon followed.   The war was brief, lasting just over two years, but it was a bloody affair that saw thousands of people die. In the end though Zelena Stellings wound up on the throne, and the Vitri family all but annihilated.

The Conflict


Zelena Stellings returned to Aurelia sometime late 739 or early 740, records are unclear. She arrived with a small group of followers after spending most of her formative years on the road after the murder of her family, with the only concrete details of that time being that she took a Paladin's Oath.   Upon returning to Aurelia she took refuge in the Southern stronghold of Starmont Allod, ironically the original seat of power of her enemies, the Vitri's. It was here that she met Evoda Vitri, who helped Zelena kill her husband, Litor Vitri II of Starmont and take his lands.   After Litor Vitri II was killed people began to talk, but the real upset came when Zelena announced from Starmont Castle that she had returned, and sent word to all of the Lords and Ladies of Aurelia to help her retake her throne. Upon hearing of this Litor Vitri I, the old but ruling King of Aurelia, declared her a pretender and traitor and marshaled his forces for war.


Following Zelena's declaration the nation almost instantly cracked in half. Starmont, being ruled in a defacto manner by Evoda, immediately declared for Zelena. In the meantime the Easdons declared for the Vitri's. The Milatadies declared for Zelena, but quietly, sending her word that they would officially declare for the Vitri's but were building up forces to help her. The Ulthuar's remained silent and declared for no one.   Litor didn't take long to marshal the forces of his family around the capital with the Easdon's sending part of their forces to bolster his. He began to march south too Starmont.

The Engagement

The early war did not go Zelena's way, with the arrival of Litor's force smashing her minor force that she had managed to marshal in Starmont. Rather than be stuck in a siege they would inevitably lose Zelena, Evoda, and their companions fled Northwest towards the lands of the Milatadies'. Starmont castle was left untouched and Litor had it filled with his forces, the city, however, was burnt to the ground as "justice" for siding with a traitor Queen over him, the rightful ruler and former leader of Starmont.   Zelena and her companions managed to reach the Milatadies. Lord Hert Milatadies welcomed them and after some convincing openly declared for her to the rest of the lords and ladies.   Litor had trouble marching his forces fast enough to reach the Milatadies, and was further delayed by word that a Gir'An attack had weakened the bulk of the Easdon's forces to the far north.   By the time Litor had reached the Milatadies he found an army equally his match, and in the Battle of Juvri Plain he was turned back and retreated to Avolen, where he holed up for the winter.   The following spring Zelena began leading a campaign north, to take care of the Easdon's before moving on to her capital. At the same time she sent come of her companions, including Evoda, to the Northeast to convince the Ulthuar's to join in their favor. It was during this mission that Evoda met Juga Easdon, who was trying to do the same thing. The two famously agreed to a duel, which was fought in the Woclarn Market Square. Evoda emerged victorious despite Juga's renowned abilities as a fighter, giving her much fame notoriety.   While Evoda dealt with the Ulthuar's Zelena successfully invaded the Easdon's land, and despite two battle defeats managed to kill the current head of the Easdon family, Jukri Easdon, and replaced him with Vancir Easdon, who was sympathetic to Zelena.   With most of the families supporting her Zelena once again sat the winter and then marched on Avolen, her families home and capital of Aurelia. A siege began that lasted for the better part of the Spring and Summer, but was broken when the Ulthuar's showed up in support of Zelena, along with Starmont reinforcements marshaled by Evoda.   With Zelena's spies discovering that Litor intended to ask Tharrisia for "aid" to stop Zelena the decision was made to assault the city in an all-or-nothing gambit before he invited the destruction of Aurelia at Tharrisian hands. The Assault of Avolen was a three day affair that saw massive casualties, including many of Zelena's closest companions.   In the end though, Zelena managed to fight her way to the Palace, where she slew Litor in cold blood and ended the war.


Zelena Stellings declared Queen of Aurelia. Vitri family all but annihilated. Evoda Vitri made Lady of Starmont Allod. Vancir Easdon declared Lord of Polnoc Allod.


Zelena Stellings proved a much more popular leader than the Vitri. She had a much more hands off approach to governing the Lords and Ladies of the realm, and by extension the Szlachta and Rycerz. She is sometimes heavy handed in her approach, but the common men and women love her for it.   Zelena's ascension did make relations with Tharrisia become uncomfortable however, as she was barely able to stop an outright invasion after Litor died. It was revealed that Litor had intended to make Aurelia a province of Tharrisia in exchange for his families permanent governance of it.

Historical Significance


Beyond the political ramifications the story of the deposed Queen becoming a holy paladin and returning to her home to free it from oppression has become a popular angle and story told of the war. Though it tends to skim over the parts of mass starvations and death suffered by the lower classes.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
740 2A
Ending Date
742 2A
Conflict Result
Stellings' Victory


Stellings Loyal Rebels

Led by

Vitri Loyalists


-Zelena and her companions   -Starmont Allod (Under Evoda Vitri) (Early and Late War)   -Zachod Allod (Milatadies Family)   -Silverlands Allod (Ulthuar Family) (Late War)   -Polnoc Allod (Easdon Family) (Mid and Later War)
-Avolen Allod (Under Vitri Control)   -Starmont Allod (Occupied by Evan Vitri) (Mid War)   -Polnoc Allod (Easdon Family) (Early War)


-Thousands of Soldiers   -Tens of Thousands of Civilians.
-Litor Vitri I   -Litor Vitri II   -Evan Vitri   -Emili Vitri   -Juga Easdon   -Thousands of Soldiers   -Tens of Thousands of Civilians


-Overthrow the Vitri Family   -Install Zelena Stellings as Monarch.
-Defeat the rebellious Lords, Szlachta, and Rycerz.   -Kill or Capture Zelena Stellings.