
Tharrisia, perhaps more than any other current faction in Kalin, is the very definition of Imperialistic.   With their well trained and disciplined legions the Tharrisians conquered the smaller kingdoms and lands around them, as well as the lands beyond. The nation was the first to conquer and hold another Fallen City (Singlar), and Tharrisia itself benefits from these conquests as grand buildings are constructed and the masses are spoiled with lavish games and fine materials for crafting their wares.   There is a downside to all of this success and power however. Tharrisian politics and intrigue are known to be especially deadly to its players, and their ambition nearly caused the fall of Tharrisia when they tried to conquer fair Embrel.   Tharrisia is also the only nation that practices slavery in the common day. Using criminals and recently conquered people to fuel the practice. This makes building their grand constructions even cheaper, at the cost of the blood of slaves.   Tharrisia is ruled by two bodies, the Senatus Populi (Senate of the People) and the Senatus Superiorum (Senate of Superiors). The Senatus Populi is made up of the “lower classes” such as tradesmen, craftsmen, laborers, etc and draws its 100 members from that body. The Senatus Superiorum is made up of 50 of the higher classes such as long-term nobles of the city, well regarded veteran commanders, and the richest members of society. The Senatus Populi may propose and pass laws, and does so on a normal basis. However at any time the Senatus Populi may pass a law that supersedes any Populi law. This effectively means that the Populi handle smaller matters that the Superiorum won’t bother to overwrite, while the Superiorum handles larger and more overarching matters of state. These two houses are referred to collectively as “The Tharrisian Senate” or “The Senatus”   Tharrisian was recently the primary aggressor in The Tharrisian War, a conflict orchestrated by the last White Dragon, Aenophentari. While Tharrisia didn't "win" the conflict according to its parameters, it did add the territories of Pouton, Forelenium, and the Gallows Isle to its territory.   In the decades since, Tharrisia has undergone a period of conquest consolidation, balancing the enjoyment of new taxes, military recruits, resources, and slaves with the difficulties of cultural issues, conquest resistance, and widespread diplomatic mistrust.

Demography and Population

Tharrisian is made up of the lower class which consists of poor laborers, criminals, and slaves. Then there is the middle class of traders, craftsmen, etc. The upper class is wealthy nobles and respected veterans who have family ties going back to the founding of Tharrisia as a non-Torva city. Additionally Tharrisia is the only notable civilization to allow and encourage slavery.   Race wise Tharrisia is rather cosmopolitan in terms of Human ethnicity, but still more human. 75% human, 10% Olark, 15% other.


Tharrisia has geographically diverse territory, with its holdings in the North being temperate with 12 seasons and its Southern holdings being a Dry Summer Climate and everything in between. Much of its Northwest holdings were conquered from Singlar, however resistance to Tharrisian rule is negligible at this point.   Its newer conquests include Forelenium, Pouton, and the Gallows Isle, giving it considerable influence over the western sea and its trade routes.


The Tharrisian Legions are a world renowned force. Their tactics and focus on discipline and training makes their legions a foe to be reckoned with. Anyone can join the legion and with the right skill work their way up the ranks (though Nobles and children of well-renowned Veterans do tend to rise faster).   Additionally there are the Lions of Tharrisia. An elite fighting force tasked with defending Tharrisia itself and the Senatus.

Technological Level

Tharrisia is somewhat ahead of the world in technological and arcane education, due to the presence of Singlar. However it does not have the technological knowledge of Virnos nor the Magical knowledge of Embrel.


Tharrisia mostly worships The Mantle, especially Hallos which is the patron god of Tharrisia. Despite this ultimately Tharrisia cares little what its people worship, as long as they pay their taxes and give what is due to the Senatus.

Foreign Relations

After the Year of the Dragon and The Tharrisian War Tharrisian has been a diplomatic outsider across Kalin. While certain nations maintain peaceful relations, either out of necessity (such as Heldir) or simply due to the fact they weren't directly involved in the war (such as Balmoth), Tharrisian diplomats have had a rough few decades when it comes to being heard in courts and places of ruling across the continent.

Agriculture & Industry

With its large holdings Tharrisia is a diversified economy and can produce much of what it needs internally, whether that be food, metal, or anything else.

Trade & Transport

Tharrisa enjoys trade with its neighbors and those it is connected with to by the Sea. Though it is said Tharrisia mostly exports knowledge as many come from all over to enjoy Singlar Academy. Due to the influx of money and talent this gives to the region Tharrisia tends not to mind to much.


Tharrisian education is very good...if you can afford it. Education is available to all who pay, and many schools accept anyone who can pay the tuition fees. These range from lower level schools that the middle class can afford to much higher quality schools that the Nobles and Senatus send their children to.   Additionally, Singlar Academy is a world renowned educational campus.


Tharrisia is known for its infrastructure just as much as its military. Its roads are of renowned quality, constantly watched and repaired by the Legions. And supply shortages and essential aid are delivered on time when needed.

Vittoria Eterna Radiosa (Radiant Everlasting Victory)

Alternative Names
The Spreading Storm, The Wo'Ir (Spreading Storm in Torvish)
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Tharrisia is ruled by two bodies, the Senatus Populi (Senate of the People) and the Senatus Superiorum (Senate of Superiors). The Senatus Populi is made up of the “lower classes” such as tradesmen, craftsmen, laborers, etc and draws its 100 members from that body. The Senatus Superiorum is made up of 50 of the higher classes such as long-term nobles of the city, well regarded veteran commanders, and the richest members of society. The Senatus Populi may propose and pass laws, and does so on a normal basis. However at any time the Senatus Superiorum may pass a law that supersedes any Populi law. This effectively means that the Populi handle smaller matters that the Superiorum won’t bother to overwrite, while the Superiorum handles larger and more overarching matters of state. These two houses are referred to collectively as “The Tharrisian Senate” or “The Senatus”
Judicial Body
Tharrisia has a very intricate and involved legal system. While the Senatus makes the laws, the Judici interprets and enforces them. The Judici cannot be overruled by anyone, not even a Senator. The only way to overturn a Judici ruling is to change the related law and appeal based on the new law.   However the Judges of the Judici are appointed by the Senatus. With the Senatus Populi recommending Judges, and the Senatus Superiorum approving their selection. Judges serve until death or are ousted by the Senatus at either the Populi or Superiorum level.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
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