Bequin Rom

Rycerz Herolda and Hero of Aurelia Bequin Rom (Adopted) | Eisen (Birth) (a.k.a. The Silvered Knight)

Born in the Tharrisian city of Besentio, Bequin is one of the fabled members of The Wayfarers.   Before joining the Wayfarers Bequin was a middle ranking guard in Starmont Allod in service to Evoda Vitri. After the Gnoll attack on the city she joined the Wayfarers as a new member. She was present for many (though not all) of the groups most memorable achievements, and partook in the final battle with the White Dragon Aenophentari.   Since The Year of the Dragon Bequin has spent much of her time acting as a Rycerz Herolda to Starmont, as well as organizing hunts with other Rycerz to find some sort of ancient artifacts, though details are loose on exactly what they are looking for.   She well known for her strange appearance, as a war injury has left her face made of silver and her eyes made of Amethyst. It's earned her the moniker The Silvered Knight.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Face has been replaced with living and moving silver and all hair is gone. Eyes have become purple Amethysts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bequin was born to Elina Eisen of the 16th Tharrisian Legion in the city of Besentio. For reasons known only to her she departed the city at a young age and was adopted by a local priest in Starmont as a child. She was raised by the priest and joined the town guard when she came of age, where she served with distinction.   After the attack on Starmont by Aenophentari's Gnolls and soldiers and the death of Tuli Surpike, Bequin joined the Wayfarers.   She traveled with the Wayfarers and became one of their number, and was heavily involved in The Year of the Dragon. She was present for the Fall of the Blood Shaper in the north, where she gained her signature injuries that led to her face being silvered and her eyes turned to amethysts by Balthuan Ulthuar in order to save her life.   She was present and participated in the Fall of Aenophentari.   In the years after The Year of the Dragon, Bequin fell into her role as a dutiful Rycerz Herolda, and has been noted for forming some sort of Rycerz only group that is hunting ancient artifacts.


Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Rycerz Herolda, High General of Aurelia (during The Year of the Dragon), Regent of Starmont (During the Year of the Dragon), Hero of Aurelia
Year of Birth
726 2A 51 Years old
Current Residence
Purple Amethyst
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Aurelian minus her head, which is silver.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Olar