
The home of the High Elves. Embrel was one of the perpetrators of the War of the Torva, and ironically is one of the few remaining bastions of Elf-Kind.   The city was founded on a Place of Power, an intersection of the mystical ley lines that supply the world with magic. As a result the long term inhabitants tend to be extremely gifted with the magical arts, especially the Elves. This is so prevalent that the High Elves themselves often times sport glowing eyes of various hues and colors, belying their magical home.   The city itself has contained within a few huge stone pillars that lift far into the sky, and are accessed at the ground level by massive portals to the higher levels of the city, that crest into the sky. Smaller floating chunks of rock and earth also have buildings and settlements on them. To many Embrel is a complete marvel.   Embrel has sparred with its nearby neighbor, Tharrisia. Tharrisia believed that its burgeoning empire could easily take on the “weak” High Elves of Embrel, they paid the price for that assumption with a decade’s long Dark Age.   Embrel is currently ruled by the Torva’Asu, or “Elven Council”, a callback to the days of the Elven Empire which sported a similar named council. The Council is made up of five members that represent the primary aspects of the city: the magic users (mages, sorcerers), the military, the tradesmen, and the religious. As a matter of ruling there is a fifth “member” of the council called the “Torva’Kir” or “Elven Ancestor”. This member is always a direct descendant of Elanil, the leader of Embrel during the War of the Torva. The Torva’Kir may offer their opinions during Council meetings, but may not propose any new laws of policy. Their only written power is the ability to break ties between the other council members during a vote. This can lead to powerful Torva’Kir if they can manipulate the Council to their whims, or weak Torva’Kir who are merely a rubber stamp of the council.   The city was massively damaged by a demonic invasion during Year of the Dragon which has had widespread implications for the nation as a whole. While the city itself has repaired nearly all of the physical damage it sustained since then, the mental damage to the population (not to mention the practical numerical damage from deaths and urban flight) has been significant.


The population of Embrel is a 20/50/30 split between low, middle, and high classes. Many in the city ply enchanting or scroll creation as a trade if they are not craftsmen or soldiers. In fact Embrel has the highest concentration of magic users out of all the Fallen Cities, and even the world with the exception of the Schola Magus, and that's only by percentage.   Population wise the city is about 80% High Elf, 10% Olark, 5% Human, and 5% other races.


Embrel is currently ruled by the Torva’Asu, or “Elven Council”, a callback to the days of the Elven Empire which sported a similar named council. The Council is made up of five members that represent the primary aspects of the city: the magic users (mages, sorcerers), the military, the tradesmen, and the religious. As a matter of ruling there is a fifth “member” of the council called the “Torva’Kir” or “Elven Ancestor”. This member is always a direct descendant of Elanil, the leader of Embrel during the War of the Torva. The Torva’Kir may offer their opinions during Council meetings, but may not propose any new laws of policy. Their only written power is the ability to break ties between the other council members during a vote. This can lead to powerful Torva’Kir if they can manipulate the Council to their whims, or weak Torva’Kir who are merely a rubber stamp of the council.


Embrel has a robust defense force, with Elven Spearmen and Mages making up the core of the defense force. With even the most basic soldier being capable of some magic this makes the High Elven army dangerous. This is compounded with the fact that the soldiers of Embrel train much longer than any mortal can at warfare, making the bulwark of the Elven army a terrible foe to face.

Industry & Trade

Embrel exports a lot of magic related items, from enchanted items such as refilling cups or glowing books, magic scrolls, runed weapons, and more.


Enchanting shops, runeforges, scroll creators, and other magical shops and infrastructure are very common in Embrel.


Embrel is an architectural marvel. A massive stone pillar about 1 mile in diameter is at the base (and multiple miles at the top) of Embrel with a small village/military encampment around it. This pillar contains massive portals that transport the user to the top of Embrel proper, as most of the city is high in the sky with floating islands and constructs surrounding the central pillar.   Clean and alien spires and carefully constructed houses are on these floating islands, all of which are held up with magic.


Most of Embrel proper is in the sky, maintained by magic. However around the base of Embrel is a temperate geography of grasslands and beautiful fields and meadows, all near a calm but large river.

Natural Resources

Embrel imports most resources, but their biggest resource is the fact that the city is a massive Place of Power, where magical leylines in the earth connect and converge. This is what gives the High Elves their aptitude with magical and colorful eyes and skin tones.
Alternative Name(s)
The High City, City of the Elves, The Floating City
Inhabitant Demonym
Embrellian, Embrelic, High Elven