
Nearly set in the sea Heldir is an ancient Fallen City. During the War of the Torva a powerful Drow warlock called forth a storm that nearly sank the city into the water, only being stopped by a competing mage. Ever since then the unique geography has marked the city, with it rising up and down the rock archways. Heldir is also the city that birthed the Paladin order during the Great War. After the Fall of the Torva the Paladin Order stepped in to maintain law and order, and this arrangement has become perpetual. In many ways Heldir is really the capital of the Paladin Order, with their members making up most of its ruling body and their primary headquarters being based in Heldir.   During the Paladin Purge Heldir was one of the few safe havens for the Paladins, though it was constantly under attack by other Fallen Cities in the form of proxy soldiers and mercenaries who would enter the city and try to collect bounties on Paladin heads.   Heldir is ruled by the current Grandmaster of the Paladin Order. Though in reality the Grandmaster usually allows locals to more or less rule themselves, with small councils ruling over portions of the city. The Grandmaster and the Paladins only really step in when blatant crimes and corruption become involved.   Over the last few decades, Heldir has fallen under the sway of Ithalin politically. During The Tharrisian War the nation was besieged by pirates and Ithalin's navy helped drive them off. Since then, the Ithali have used their continued naval protection of the city to edge their way more and more into the city, up to and including a new "Ithali Enclave" in the city, which only Ithali citizens and people of Ithali blood can live in.


Heldir is a holy city, with priests, clerics, and paladins being a common sight on the streets. Many craftsmen, traders, and blacksmiths ply their wares to these holy men for one reason or another. It also has a more diverse population than most. Ithalin using its position as the naval protector of Heldir has led to an increase in Ithali elves in the city. 60% human, 15% Olark, 7% halfling, 5% tiefling, 5% Ithali Elf, 8% other.


Heldir is ruled by the current Grandmaster of the Paladin Order. Though in reality the Grandmaster usually allows locals to more or less rule themselves, with small councils ruling over portions of the city. The Grandmaster and the Paladins only really step in when blatant crimes and corruption become involved.


Heldir doesn't have an organized army. Instead it has a dedicated city guard, and will call up a levy and conscripts if attacked. The real might of the Heldir comes from the Paladins who will always come to its defense, though they have been weakened in their recent purging, leading to larger levies.   The city is protected from the sea by the Ithali Navy.

Industry & Trade

Most of the money in Heldir comes from the traders who call the city home, the farmers who export their bountiful grain, the fishermen who fish, and the craftsmen who make wondrous religious items.


Churches and the craftsmen that support them are the most common sight in Heldir.

Guilds and Factions

The Church of the Mantle and the Paladin Order are both based in Heldir.


Heldir architecture is often austere, and grand, to match its religious roots.


Heldir is practically in the sea, though beyond the cliffs and water the land surrounding Heldir is just hot enough to be warm almost the whole year, while being not too hot and allowing plenty of good farming.

Natural Resources

Crops, fish, and religion are the primary exports of Heldir.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Paladins
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization