
Nearly set in the sea Heldir is an ancient Fallen City. During the War of the Torva a powerful Drow warlock called forth a storm that nearly sank the city into the water, only being stopped by a competing mage. Ever since then the unique geography has marked the city, with it rising up and down the rock archways.   Heldir is also the city that birthed the Paladin order during the Great War. After the Fall of the Torva the Paladin Order stepped in to maintain law and order, and this arrangement has become perpetual. In many ways Heldir is really the capital of the Paladin Order, with their members making up most of its ruling body and their primary headquarters being based in Heldir.   During the Paladin Purge Heldir was one of the few safe havens for the Paladins, though it was constantly under attack by other Fallen Cities in the form of proxy soldiers and mercenaries who would enter the city and try to collect bounties on Paladin heads.   Heldir is ruled by the current Grandmaster of the Paladin Order. Though in reality the Grandmaster usually allows locals to more or less rule themselves, with small councils ruling over portions of the city. The Grandmaster and the Paladins only really step in when blatant crimes and corruption become involved.   Over the last few decades, Heldir has fallen under the sway of Ithalin politically. During The Tharrisian War the nation was besieged by pirates and Ithalin's navy helped drive them off. Since then, the Ithali have used their continued naval protection of the city to edge their way more and more into the city, up to and including a new "Ithali Enclave" in the city, which only Ithali citizens and people of Ithali blood can live in.

Demography and Population

Heldir is a holy city, with priests, clerics, and paladins being a common sight on the streets. Many craftsmen, traders, and blacksmiths ply their wares to these holy men for one reason or another. It also has a more diverse population than most. 65% human, 15% Olark, 7% halfling, 5% tiefling, 8% other.


Heldir doesn't hold much land compared to many other Fallen Cities. Most of that land is farmland devoted to feeding Heldir and exporting to Straka for a profit.


Heldir doesn't have a strict standing military. Instead towns and cities employ their own small forces for self defense and law making. In the city proper local councils will either employ their own militias to keep the peace, or rely on local Paladin Halls and their acolytes to keep order. When it comes to defense many of the faithful will rise up with the Paladin order to defend their holy homeland.   The navy of Heldir was destroyed during the Year of the Dragon and has been supplanted by ongoing protection by Ithalin.

Technological Level

Heldir is known for its religious philosophers and abundance of holy magic. However technology tends to be somewhat disregarded by many, and their arcane knowledge is outclassed by other nations.


The Mantle is both the Official State Religion of Heldir as well as the most numerous by far. Any other form of worship is, at best, looked down upon. At worst other religions can face persecution in certain cities and localities.

Foreign Relations

Heldir maintains good relations with their neighbors. The worst aspect of being a neighbor of Heldir is the surplus of missionaries you can expect. That said Halteri is known to be on cold relations with the city due to them hosting the black paladins. Additionally Balmoth is on rough ground with Heldir due to it being the origin point of, and the sponsor of, the Paladin Purge.

Agriculture & Industry

Heldir grows much of its own food and exports the excess. Otherwise they import a lot of goods from across their sea routes and land routes.

Trade & Transport

Heldir exports a lot of food to its neighbors and beyond. Often its goods will travel to neighboring Pouton and leave its port for sale, though with Straka trade is more direct and state controlled.


Education tends to vary wildly depending on the ruling council. Local councils and ruling parties will sometimes offer robust education for children and young adults to make them very well educated, whereas some localities will leave any education to weekly religious services if at all.


Heldir's infrastructure is maintained by localities, however the Paladin Order tends to step in if a local council is not maintaining its infrastructure well enough. For poorer councils they will offer funds and physical help, for wealthier but lazier councils they will offer advice first and subtle threats second.

Tempered Divinity.

Alternative Names
City of the Order
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
The Grandmaster of the the Paladin Order is technically the ruler of Heldir. However in function Heldir is ruled over by smaller councils that rule over city areas and represent the people of that area. The Paladin order mostly acts as judges and mediators between council disputes.
Judicial Body
The Paladin Order is mostly responsible for justice. And many councils either go to specific Order Halls in their area or in special cases specific paladins to make judgements.
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations