
The titular capital city of Tharrisia, Tharrisia as a city is a massive wonder of architecture and ingenuity, but is also a stark warning of the cost of Empire.   The city is surrounded on its multiple road approaches be Tharrisian Legion outposts and forts, not to mention the Field of Hallos, the massive mustering field of the Tharrisian Legions. This ensures that no enemy invasions could reach Tharrisa proper, which is good since the city doesn't have any serious walls unlike most Fallen Cities.   The city itself is filled with over a million people who work as laborers, merchants, airship crew, politicians, small-crop farmers, and of course slaves. The most notable part of the cities layout is the Sentiero Della Divina Gloria, or Path of Divine Glory, though locals usually just call it the Sentiero. Along its way are massive towers, whole markets, small Auxilia outposts, all culminating in the Senatus Palazzo or Senatus Palace. This massive structure houses both the Senatus Populi and Senatus Superiorum, as well as the primary barracks for the Lions of Tharrisia.


Tharrisian is made up of the lower class which consists of poor laborers, criminals, and slaves. Then there is the middle class of traders, craftsmen, etc. The upper class is wealthy nobles and respected veterans who have family ties going back to the founding of Tharrisia as a non-Torva city. Additionally Tharrisia is the only notable civilization to allow and encourage slavery.   Race wise Tharrisia is rather cosmopolitan in terms of Human ethnicity, but still more human. 75% human, 10% Olark, 15% other.


Tharrisia is ruled by two bodies, the Senatus Populi (Senate of the People) and the Senatus Superiorum (Senate of Superiors). The Senatus Populi is made up of the “lower classes” such as tradesmen, craftsmen, laborers, etc and draws its 100 members from that body. The Senatus Superiorum is made up of 50 of the higher classes such as long-term nobles of the city, well regarded veteran commanders, and the richest members of society. The Senatus Populi may propose and pass laws, and does so on a normal basis. However at any time the Senatus Populi may pass a law that supersedes any Populi law. This effectively means that the Populi handle smaller matters that the Superiorum won’t bother to overwrite, while the Superiorum handles larger and more overarching matters of state. These two houses are referred to collectively as “The Tharrisian Senate” or “The Senatus”


Tharrisia has a series of forts on the outskirts of the city to defend its approach, along with walls in the city proper. The real strength comes from the Tharrisian Legions, which are a disciplined and professional army nearly unmatched around the world. Additionally the Lions of Tharrisia guard, an elite small-group fighting force, guard the city and its government.

Industry & Trade

Tharrisia has a diverse economy, importing goods and exporting materials, food, wood, and more.


Tharrisia is a diverse city, with many smiths, merchants, and anything in-between.

Guilds and Factions

The Lions of Tharrisia are one of the better known organizations based in Tharrisia. They are an elite fighting force within the Tharrisian Legions who excel in small-group combat.




The area around Tharrisia is warm and generally temperate, being nearly subtropical. There are many farms, and wine from the area around Tharrisia is said to be some of the best.

Natural Resources

The area around Tharrisia is known for its wine and great goat cheese. Farms are plentiful and common, as are fish due to it being near the sea.
Alternative Name(s)
The Imperial City, The Wo'Ir (Only by Elves), The Spreading Storm
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization