War of the Torva

The War of the Torva was the last flailing of the slowly dying Torva'Ir as existing separations in culture and governance among the disparate Elves came to a head thanks to the bull-headed and short-sighted tyrant Corlin, son of Morlin. While his father was arguably an egotistic and self-interested Emperor, he also was sure to rule with a mostly-even hand and made sure to keep the Empire together and operational. His son, on the other hand, shared none of these qualities.   After cursing and destroying one of the Eternal Cities and accidentally creating the Drow more than half of Kalin learned to hate Corlin. With the newly named High Elves in Western Kalin defying his will openly tensions were at an all time high as both sides armed for war. Things came to a head when the Wood Elves of the Torva'Ne, the original homeland of the Elven people, openly seceded from the Torva'Ir. Less than a year later historians mark the official beginning of what would be known as "The War of the Torva" when Corlin was forced to end a siege of Embrel and defend his eastern borders against Wood Elf attacks.   The war would result in the deaths of Corlin, his High Elven counterpart Elanil, and the rampaging "King of the Wood" Maeth Oakenhollow. The rampant destruction and loss of Elven lives would also result in the Fall of the Torva immediately following the war, where non-Elves would overthrow their masters across the land. Sometimes peaceably, sometimes in horrifically bloody uprisings.

The Conflict


In 2014 of the First Age, the newly crowned Emperor of the Torva'Ir had made a series of blunders and decisions that had made him hated by most of his empire. These include the destruction of the Eternal City that would eventually become Lyath'Or, the creation and cursing of the Drow and general tyrannical and despotic rule.   The war could arguably be said to have started a few years prior, when Corlin began besieging Embrel to kill his rebellious half-sister. However, historians generally agree that it really began after the siege was lifted by reinforcements coming to the High Elves aid and pushing Corlin back. It was at this point that the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Corlin's loyalists began fighting in earnest.

The Engagement

The war was a bloody one that saw quite a bit of back and forth fighting between all Elven people. Many Immortal Cities united behind one of the three primary factions: Corlin's loyalists, The High Elves of the West, the Wood Elves of the East, and later in the war, the Drow of the North.   The war would come to a cataclysmic end when the forces of the Drow, High Elves, and Wood Elves managed to collapse Corlin's defensive lines around the capital of Caledbar almost at the same time. As the rebelling armies converged on the capital city of the Empire the battle became an almost complete free-for-all. All four armies fought each other with reckless abandon as each tried to claim the capital city for itself. Dragon riders burnt walking treemen alive, Corlin's dark sorcerers called down demons upon unsuspecting High Elf infantry, total chaos ensued. Of note Corlin and his half-sister Elanil dueled one-on-one atop a high tower. As the battle raged the massive amounts of energy unleashed eventually coalesced and unleashed themselves (or were unleashed, it's unclear) in a massive explosion that leveled the city, killed all four armies, and corrupted the land and in-land sea around it. Thus did the War of the Torva end, and the Fall of the Torva begin.


With all four sides of the conflict utterly devastated, with all faction leaders except Xune dead in the Fall of Caledbar, and most of their armies annihilated in the explosion that destroyed the capital, the Elves of Kalin soon found themselves weakened and at the mercy of their would-be mortal subjects.


Barely two years after the War ended, Immortal Cities soon found themselves facing internal uprisings from the mortal races across Kalin. Many cities fell to the mortals or were destroyed in the chaos. Those that resisted the internal uprisings soon found themselves being besieged from without, and often destroyed. The Immortal Cities, once proud monuments of Elven supremacy, soon found themselves being run by Humans, Olark, and even Halflings. Only two cities managed to resist, the High Elven city of Embrel and the Drow city of Lyath'Or. This period of widespread vengeance and violence would become known as "The Fall of the Torva."

Historical Significance


The War of the Torva ultimately caused the downfall of the Torva'Ir and set the stage for the mortal-dominated Second Age. While the Elves remain throughout Kalin, either in small enclaves or in their strong holds of Embrel, Lyath'Or, the Torva'Ne, or Ithalin, for the most part the continent now sees the Mortals races in charge. Especially Humans.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
2014 1A
Ending Date
2077 1A
Conflict Result
All Sides Devastated. The leaders of the High Elves, Wood Elves and Loyalists Killed. No Clear Victor.


Corlin's Loyalists

Led by


-Hundreds of Thousands of Elven Soldiers and Militia   -Hundreds of Thousands of Mortal Race Conscripted Auxiliaries   -Dozens of Dark Cults (Later War)   -Thousands of demons and other dark beasts (Later War)   -Hundreds of Dragons (Especially Red)


Almost Complete. Corlin's Loyalists were centered around Caledbar, and they made their last stand during the Fall of Caledbar.


Defeat the usurpers and reclaim dominion of the Torva'Ir.
Elanil's High Elves

Led by


-Thousands of High Elven soldiers and mages   -Hundreds of Thousands of Supporting Elven Soldiers and Militia from other Immortal Cities   -Hundreds of Thousands of Mortal Auxiliaries   -Hundreds of Dragons (especially Bronze Dragons)


High. The primary army of the High Elves and their supporters was destroyed at Caledbar, including their Princess Elanil.


Overthrow Corlin and place Elanil upon the throne.
Maeth Oakenhollow and the Wood Elves

Led by


-Thousands of Wood Elven Soldiers   -Hundreds of Thousands of Supporting or Converted Elven Soldiers   -Thousands of Forest Creatures   -Hundreds of Dragons (Especially Green).


High. Maeth Oakenhollow and his wife died at the Fall of Caledbar, along with most of their army.


Kill Corlin and Assure Independence of the Torva'Ne. Alternatively, institute new nature-friendly policies across the empire.
Xune and the Drow (Mid-Late War)

Led by


-Thousands of Drow Soldiers   -Hundreds of Thousands of Supporting Elven Soldiers   -Hundreds of Thousands of Mortal Auxiliaries   -Thousands of Dwarven Soldiers   -Hundreds of Dragons (Especially Black)


High. Unlike the other factions the leader of the Drow, Xune, did not participate in the Fall of Caledbar due to being wounded and recovering when the battle took place. Military casualties were still high though.


Kill Corlin and ensure Drow independence, otherwise take the throne for Xune.