Rise, Reign, and Ascension of the Grey King.

Political event

1713 1A - 2006 1A

"I will not abide this weakness further, the Torva'Ir shall be great once more." -Morlin

Morlin Ulrenai was a veteran of the War of Plain and Mountain and had fought exclusively in Dwarven Tunnels during the war, where he had gained a reputation in viciousness and effectiveness.   Following the war and interregnum that followed Morlin went about politicking and murdering political rivals in Caledbar until he emerged as the lord of Caledbar, he then went about conquering and reintegrating the Torva'Ir under his banner.   The reign of Morlin was a hardline but peaceful one. While he kept slavery and was brutal to his enemies, slavery was kept to political prisoners and criminals, and as long as you didn't disrupt society you were not considered an enemy. For the average person, the reign of Morlin was a peaceful time.   Unlike Sullia Morlin did not give up the Torva'Ir in death. Instead he performed some ritual that his guards said created a white shimmering portal he walked through, saying he would "ascend." In doing so he effectively vanished, and no one really knew where.   With Morlin gone the throne fell to his only legitimate child, Corlin.