Overview of the First Age of Kalin

  • ?? - 0 1A
    The Chaos and the Wars of the Undying Empire
    Era beginning/end

    "Beyond our borders I see chaos. Races unclear in their purpose, cruel kings driving their desperate people to ruin, magic users corrupting those around them. We as Immortals have a duty and obligation to put an end to this and bring peace and stability to the world." -Sullia

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  • 0 1A
    The Age of Immortals Begins
    Era beginning/end

    "The Chaos is ended. Now we Torva shall guide and instruct the younger races towards a better tomorrow. The Age of Immortals begins" -Sullia

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  • 0 1A - 800 1A
    The Formation of the Torva'Ir and the Building of the Immortal Cities

    "Upon this spot I hereby declare a new beginning for all races in this land. The Torva shall guide the younger races in the building of a kingdom that stretches from sea to sea, and we shall work towards the betterment of all under its domain." -Sullia

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  • 800 1A - 1633 1A
    The Golden Age of Sullia and Contact With Those in the Mountains
    Era beginning/end

    "Those who under my rule must be safe and thriving. They must be able to pass from one end of the Empire to the other without molestation or disruption. Trade and Cultural exchange should be constant and easy, both for Immortals and the Younger peoples." - Sullia

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  • 1634 1A - 1657 1A
    The Great War and the Death of Sullia
    Military action

    "If I cannot stand for my Empire in its darkest days then I am no Empress. If it means my death so be it, but I shall stand." - Sullia, a few days before her death.

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  • 1657 1A - 1674 1A
    Aftermath of the Great War, The Tyranny of Abberon, and The Dragon War
    Cultural event

    "Sullia was the grandest of us, and ruled with the lightest touch. But Sullia is dead, and I am Emperor." -Abberon the Mage

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  • 1675 1A - 1679 1A
    Assassination of Abberon and Initial Rule of Corai
    Political event

    "Mourn the hero my husband had been, not the tyrant he became." -Corai

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  • 1680 1A - 1712 1A
    The War of Plain and Mountain and the Following Interregnum
    Military action

    "As long as I am King and Emperor of the Elves we shall know war, and I shall drive Dwarven-Kind from this land for the betrayal and cowardice displayed by your race.” - Corai
    "No King Rules Forever" -Fimud Firestone

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  • 1713 1A - 2006 1A
    Rise, Reign, and Ascension of the Grey King.
    Political event

    "I will not abide this weakness further, the Torva'Ir shall be great once more." -Morlin

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  • 2006 1A - 2012 1A
    Rise and Tyranny of Corlin
    Political event

    "Am I not owed what my father built? Am I not the scion of The Grey King? Am I not worthy?" - Corlin

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  • 2013 1A - 2077 1A
    War of the Torva
    Military action

    "An Empire Divided Cannot Stand." -Lord Narrfini

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    War of the Torva
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  • 2078 1A - 2095 1A
    The Fall of the Torva and the End of the First Age.
    Era beginning/end

    “We are witnessing the changing of an era. The splendor and dignity of Elven kind gives way to that of the mortal races, and the Age of Immortals comes to its inevitable conclusion. While we are by no means gone, our influence on our world can only wane. Our once proud Immortal Cities have fallen, and so has our race. The Age of Immortals has ended, so begins the Age of the Fallen Cities." -Xune

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