The Chaos and the Wars of the Undying Empire

Era beginning/end

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"Beyond our borders I see chaos. Races unclear in their purpose, cruel kings driving their desperate people to ruin, magic users corrupting those around them. We as Immortals have a duty and obligation to put an end to this and bring peace and stability to the world." -Sullia

The time before the first age is really only defined by two states, “The Chaos” and the Wars of the Undying Empire.   The Chaos is the least well understood of these two periods. Spanning (supposedly) from the creation of the world to the Wars of Sullia and the Undying Empire The Chaos is, to the best of our knowledge, simply an age where no central authority ruled over Kalin.   Tribes and petty kingdoms were everywhere made up of many races, never much accomplishing anything beyond survival or petty feuding states. Our information is limited, and thus is anyone's ability to speak on the topic.   I would speculate though, that whatever historical events did happen in this period were probably more complex and nuanced than the old Torvish Loremasters depict.   This era was probably somewhat exaggerated by later Elven historians to make the Wars of the Undying Empire more justified in hindsight. It is also unknown what historical documents from the period have been lost in the Elven attempts to create a historical narrative.   What is clear though is about 100 years before the beginning of the First Age an Elven Princesses named Sullia looked on this "Chaos" and found it wanting. At this time the Elves were restricted to their home land of the Torva'Ne in Eastern Kalin, building a sophisticated but insular society among the tall and ancient trees of the region. Sullia managed to gather a large portion of the Torva from the Torva'Ne and convinced them of a grand destiny and need to unite the land under Torvish rule. She marshaled her strength and set out from the Torva'Ne in force.   While a 100 year conquest may seem like more than a lifetime for us, for the Torva it was actually a rather short campaign. Sullia picked up momentum as she went, gathering more and more followers with each city, town, or kingdom she conquered. Every single power was given a choice: join the Torva in a new vision for the world, or be forced into joining that vision. Many chose to bow to the Torva, those who didn't were made to bow with the might of the army and magic at Sullia's control. The Olark are said to have suffered particularly under this conquest, as they had, until this point, been ruling over several of the more powerful Kingdoms in Kalin. Sullia would, between her conquest and the following formation of her Empire, scatter the Olark and tear down their history. The reason for this harsh treatment is unknown. While many races had their chaotic history erased, the Olark seemed to suffer harder than, say, the Humans or even the savage Half-Orcs.   The conquest ended 100 years after it began in a place known as Torva'Bin, or "Elven Rest." It was here that Sullia began the next phase of her vision, and began to lay the groundwork for the formation of the Torva'Ir. It is also when the Age of Immortals is said to have begun based on speech Sullia gave her generals and followers on the site of the Torva'Bin.