Embrel Withdraws from Forelenium

Political event

762 2A

"We believe the citizens of Forelenium have the right to self determination without Elven oversight"

As part of the Treaty of Olbern, Forelenium was split in half, with the Western half being jointly ruled/administrated by Tharrisia and Embrel.   Several years into the joint administration Embrel began to acutely feel the weight of the responsibility combined with the massive manpower loss from the demonic invasion of the city and the Tharrisian War. As a result, and following several requests by the Tharrisian Senatus, Embrel officially withdrew their control of the region, handing it over fully to Tharrisia.   Many people, especially those in the region, felt betrayed by the move as the Tharrisian's were the invaders the High Elves were supposedly there to avoid full Tharrisian conquest. This sentiment was shared by some of Embrel's diplomatic partners, who felt that the withdrawal without consent of the Tharrisian people violated the spirit of the treaty. But Embrel ultimately would not relent, and pulled all forces and administrators out of the region, being completely removed by the end of the year.