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The Indestructible Magic Metal

Parithium is found in abunance only in one region of Kalladestra, Kingdom of Irongard, although very small deposits have been said to be in the Damocleus Pass. What makes Parithium so sought after is that while it shares similar properties to that of Adamantine, but it also contains magical properties allowing weapons made from the objects to do radiant damage and any armor to reduce the effects of necrotic damage.


Extrating pure Parithium is a very delicate and time consuming process. Those who whish to extract Parithium must first have a Miners' Pick. Harvesting to quickly and the magic inside the Parithium could explode. For every 12 hours spent, can harvest 1 oz of Parithium.



Exposure to Parithium cores cause Parithium Sickness. This is less of a disease and more of an effect on the body at a cellular level and even paladins and noteable clerics with immunity to poison have died from this. Thus far, the only documented race who appears to withstand these effects are the Dwarven.



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