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The almost death of an almost god

It had been alive for many years and the task it had been born to finish was long done. The winged snake dashed through the many tree branches in seach of some purpose, since it had grown bored of simply doing nothing. The roof of the leaves was far above as the snake made it's way throgh a few stray liana, that had grown over the space between two branches. As it did so one of them got tangled around it's wing, making it impossible to escape. Chewing through the liana would mean falling to the floor as one couldn't fly with the way the wing got tied, aside from the fact that the wing was definitely injured from the impact. It seemed like this would be the place it would die eventually. So much for finally going out on an adventure ... it only got him helplessly stuck.

Edwin-Lilly had been exploring the forrest for many days, looking for new, interesting species for his book "Wonders of Nature: A study of species." where he tried to categorize as many different species of Animals and Monsters as possible. It was intended as a guide for adventurers as much as as a book for students or the generally curious. Sadly nobody else seemed to think the topic particularly important, so he had very little in research grants. He was also alone in his endavours, except for Aeglos, his eagle.

Ed had just found a way through a gathering of bushes when he spotted the most wonderous thing seemingly stuck in a tree above him. A snake with feathered wings! He had found many different creatures before this day, but that was even a bit beyond his general idea of normal. It was big too. Approximately his size, maybe even bigger. The sizes wasn't an issue if it is a friendly creature, but if turned out agressive getting near it would be a terrible idea. Maybe it would talk to him, given that the closest related thing is probably a dragon and those can definitely speak.

"Hey! You. Featherwing snake? Do you need help?" Edwin-Lilly called out as a test.

The snake had gotten very tired. It had even stuck there for days and while hunger or thirst weren't an issue it hurt pretty badly at this point. Now someone who knew an actual language seemed to be talking to it. After struggling to focus it's eyes, it finally saw the young elf standing down on the forrest floor. He looked like someone who would genuinely help and really what other options did it have except for being stuck in this terrible position longer, so it answered the call.

"Hello. Yes I got stuck here. Can you get me down somehow?" it questioned.

"I'll try anyway. Do try not to hurt yourself futher will you? Also what's your name?" Edwin questioned. He couldn't be more excited to meet a talking winged snake he had never even heard about before. This might be the biggest and best discovery he ever made. Now to get it down there from the tree without injuring it and then help it recover. It would be a difficult task.

Continued in The almost death of an almost god Part 2


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