
The worst quake in the history of Kalste took place less than a hundred years after the The Croskin Plague swept the lands and just after the Black Days had ended. It was in the beginning of the Peace Age when the quake hit, killed hundreds of thousands of people and leaving others crippled and devastated. It lasted less than two minutes. It was named ‘Devestia’ and to this day is referred to by that name.
It started in the country of Venald and spread across the entire contient of Keoria and much of Brysken.
The aftershocks were felt in many of the other countries as well.
The recovery of Devestia lasted years, and in many cases generations, leaving behind horror and grief in many forms. The landscape in Venald and many of the closest surrounding areas was extremely altered, leaving plains, mountains and hills in different places. Even in the distant areas, there were some changes in the landscape. Venald itself became extremely mountainous in the midst of a desert that was once a beautiful green forest. Venald was left with more dead than alive, infact, the exact number of deaths was never determined. They approximate number of survivors was between two and three thousand in a country of at least two million people. Surrounding countries were affected in greater and lesser degrees. A few cultures and languages were completely lost.
Many people said it was a judgement on the people of Kalste, who had once again broken their peace treaties.
A few distant countries sent assistance in the form of shipped food and clothes, but some of them said it was not their business. The borders of the surrounding countries reshaped themselves as many of the rulers were killed.

Cover image: by Perchance


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