The Croskin Plague

Transmission & Vectors

The Croskin Plague disappeared as suddenly at it came, leaving desolation, terror and grief behind it. It was later confirmed that Sernisa Beetle that lived mostly on ships carried the disease. Once someone had the disease, it could be spread through human contact of any sort. There were few cases of recovery. Many times, entire familes would die, and other times, only one person would die. Human contact did not guarantee it would spread, but it was the way it did spread.


The symptoms of the plague varied and could include vomiting, fever, lung pain and a faster heartrate and later comotose. The one thing in common, was all victimes lost their hair.


The Plague of Croskin existed in the Black Days of Kalste. No one knew exactly how it spread, but the terror was great in many lands, especially on the continents Eaylon, Aitella and Keoira.
The plague caused thousands of deaths among commoners and royalty alike, causing panic throughout the land.
At one time, a doctor believed he had found a cure, which he tried on three volunteers. To the great delight of the people, they were cured. Hundreds of people came to get the cure, but something went wrong. Everyone except the three origional test subjects died a week or two later, in great pain.
When the cure was rediscovered on the islands of La'knin, no one believed it was real, except the plague victims who took it. People refused to accept the victims back home, and as they all had distinctive white hair, they finally just settled their own area of land. They soon became known as the Blancians.
When the plague finally stopped, many countries found themselves with no rulers and no borders. Many borders expanded or shrunk after the plague. Some of the countries that still had their rulers, simply took over some of the other countries. The people were still too frightened to fight back.

Cultural Reception

In some places, when victims were found to be ill, they were sent to the islands La'knin. In some places, they were sent to a hospital that was walled from everyone. In some of the southern parts of Aitella, people diagnosed with the disease were shot with an arrow, or in some cases, drowned.
by Shalyn, Made in Inkarnate
by Perchance AI Generator
The Sernisa Beetle is small enough to fit through the eye of a needle.

Cover image: by Perchance


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Aug 5, 2024 00:23

People were clearly terrified of this virus. The fact that such a large impact, with an uncertain means of transmission, stemmed from something so small is certainly a reason to be afraid. As an aside, I love the though of a "beetle through a needle." It's is a fun rhyme (around a clearly dark concept). I'm left wondering about the incubation period. How long was it from contracting the disease to fatality? Great job. Happy Summer Camp. I'll be featuring you in my SC24 Reading Challenge!  

Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 5, 2024 00:29 by Shalyn

Thank you! I'll have to think about that one! It has to be long enough for it to make sense to transfer people to islands and not just have them quarantined in some building or something of that sort. I'll do some calculating and edit it after all the judging is over.