
Bordering the countries of Dovlands and Eledoner lies a forest said to be hidden under the mountains. According to legend, a single bite of its fruit, known as Legacy, grants the eater longevity, happiness, and peace. Stories about the fruit vary widely, including its appearance, but all agree that to partake and live, one must sing a specific song while eating and for an hour afterward.
Many explorers have ventured into the mountains in pursuit of this fruit, but so far, none have succeeded—or so they say. Allegedly, those who taste the fruit must vow never to reveal its existence, leading to widespread suspicion.
“Explorer Grent sure lived a long life and he had twenty-seven children who lived to see their own children.” ~Tilla Greysham, Villager
In some villages, anyone with more than twelve children is believed to have discovered the fruit. In one instance, Rea Hart, a mother of fifteen, was even tortured by town leaders in an attempt to force her to disclose its location.
The forest reportedly lies between Mount Isa and Mount Troy, alongside The River of Time, which is also surrounded by its own myths. Many explorers avoid these mountains altogether due to tales surronding them. Unknown to most outsiders, many of the tales were invented for the sole purpose of keeping explorers, travelers and tourists away.
  “There’s a tale that my great-grandfather made up the story about the ring of Seventy Bears to scare away tourists. I do remember how much he hated tourists and explorers and any outside folk. ” ~Paol Jergis, Villager
Favorite tales about the fruit are often crafted in taverns after a few pints of ale.
by Perchance AI Generator
One villager's sketch of his conception of the Legacy Fruit.

Cover image: by Shalyn, using NightCafe


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