Regulations Scroll

Any who desire to enter this library, The Library of Rissandal, must sign this document in the presence of at least two witnesses. It must be read through aloud by or to the person and then signed and dated.

1. I promise to keep my voice low and respectful at all times, even in the gaming rooms.

2. I promise to avoid all conversations that might cause a fight or an arguement in this building.

3. I promise to avoid all physical touch, even that of shaking hands.

4. I promise to turn over all weapons that I may have concealed on my person until I am leaving the building.

5. I promise to avoid any alochol or strong drink while I stay inside the building.

6. I promise to smoke only in the designated areas or rooms.

7. I promise to be careful to not disturb any sleeping persons.

8. I promise to keep myself clean smelling and pleasant to be around.
9. I promise to respect that I will not take things that are not mine away from the library.

10. I agree that if the Library Council finds me guilty of failure to obey these rules, they can refuse to allow me entrance back into the building.

Failure to obey any of these rules can cause immediate banishing from the library, and if any crime is commited, the offender may even find themselves facing trial in court.
Anyone who signs the paper is allowed inside as often and as long as they desire as long as they follow all the rules.


The Regulations Scroll was written by a group of students to ensure the peace and tranquility of the Library of Rissandal.
Authoring Date

Cover image: by Perchance


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