Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge


SC24 Recap

BWAAAAAAAH! I'm so sad this, my second World Anvil Summer Camp, is over. Summer Camp 2024 has been a blast of an experience. I am always amazed and inspiried by you, most incredible members of the community, for your input and insights, encouragement and inspiration. Over in my Summer Camp '24 Prep article, I pledged the same as last year to target a copper badge, that is, 8 articles. I knew coming into July it would already be a busy month, with family visiting for a week and a conference that took me completely out of pocket. I didn't have a vacation scheduled like last summer to grant me some breathing room should I find additional inspiration. But then again, I felt very burnt out after SC23, a state I did NOT wish to repeat. And so it was I set my sights on 8 articles.   It was a very slow start, some of which was planned, but I was very lacking in early inspiration. Then something happened that made a major difference in this year's journey. To explain, I need to take a step back. During Summer Camp Prep, Janet had encouraged us to find an accountability buddy. Though I'm an introvert by nature, I took a risk and reached out to my fellow 2024 WAWA "Best Newcomer" nominee Tyrdal and suggested we try this thing. I am beyond thankful he agreed. With him as a sounding board, I went from no ideas to a slew of ideas, resulting in ELEVEN completed articles. I was thrilled they largely orbited around the theme I had intended; that being a deeper focus on the elves of Gokrenxia. And there, I intended to call it quits.   I attempted to return to writing the next (neglected) episode of Tales of the Inner Council and found the allure of Summer Camp prompts which might expand said episode pulling me back. This, plus the positive encouragement I was receiving from responses to various SC articles spurred me to write another FIVE articles, ultimately bringing me to 16 and a Silver badge for the second year running.   But unlike last year, I'm HYPED to pick my writing back up and I owe that in large part to my accountability partner Tyrdal, my amazing colleagues in the 7 Tomes Chapter, and you, most incredible members of the World Anvil Community.   Thank you, once again, for being so awesome. You have my unending appreciation and admiration.  

~ Koragath

SC24 Reading Challenge

While I read more than the below, these are a few I queued I to read at a more leisurely pace once Summer Camp wrapped up.    

Worldbulding Goals 2024 2H

In order to speak to my goals for the REST of 2024, it behooves me to look back at the INITIAL goals for 2024 posted in my Gokrenxia in 2024 article. Let's look back, before we look forward.


Progress in Tales of the Inner Council

My first and primary target for 2024. I was right in my thinking I'd not progress quickly. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but am four episodes further along than I was in January. While difficult to swallow, I'll take that as a win.

Be an engaged and supportive member of the WA community

I've joined the amazing 7 Tomes Chapter to be more involved and went out of my comfort zone to establish an accountability buddy with Tyrdal. I put that in the "W" column.

Finish listening to Brandon Sanderson's Creative Writing Lectures

Haven't don't this yet. I've made it to Lecture 9 of 13. There's still time to tackle this one.

Learn more about worldbuilding from the amazing Janet and crew

Unfortunately, I haven't had much time here. Scheduling has kept me from being able to regularly attend live streams. And let's be honest, it's just not as fun without you other Anvilites!

Improve my skills with generative AI art

Let me be up front and acknowledge this is a very controversial topic. I also recognize I have very little skill in the area of graphic design and I am eternally in awe of those with the skills and abilities to draw, sketch, paint, or any such skill. With those two caveats out of the way, I'm VERY pleased to say I've made immense progress here. I assume this is not something most people would notice casually browsing Gokrenxia. But to me, the ability to express my ideas in more and more concrete manners is so enriching to my overall joy in worldbuilding it's hard to quantify.   Here's just one example of how just one image around The Thee'nor Accord has improved over the last 15 months. Left was designed in summer 2023. Right is summer 2024. There's many, many more examples, but this clearly illustrates the improvement. To me, the change is monumental... by dream by WOMBO
  So where will Gokrenxia go for the remainder of 2024? THAT is an important question...  
  1. I will continue to work on Tales of the Inner Council (with the first draft of Episode 15 ready to go!).
  2. I will still continue to find ways to be a supportive member of World Anvil, of the 7 Tomes Chapter, and of my SC24 accountability partner, Tyrdal.
  3. I will still strive to complete the last five episodes of Brandon Sanderson's Creative Writing Course.
  4. (NEW!) I will try to plan and account for the coming WorldEmber in December 2024 in everything I do for Gokrenxia for the remainder of the year.


I want to once again take the opportunity to say THANK YOU to Janet, Dimi, and the WA staff for the great platform they've created. But most of all I want to thank YOU the WA community for being amazing and encouraging and inspiring. You challenge me to press toward my dreams, and for that, words can never express my gratitude.   Thanks for a great summer camp, and cheers to the rest of 2024!  

~ Koragath

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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Aug 5, 2024 03:11 by Alan Byers

Thanks so much for the shoutout Koragath!

Aug 5, 2024 11:18 by CoolG

I'm so happy you liked my article <3

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 7, 2024 14:45 by Shalyn

Thanks so much for the recognition! I'm really, really glad you enjoyed them!

Aug 30, 2024 20:49

Thank you Koragath, really happy to be included in this awesome list. And give me a shout if you need an accountability buddy again. :)

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.