The Sword of Algora

The Sword of Algora now sits in the Church of Algora in the country of Quai. It is exactly three feet long and three inches wide. The metal of the sword is strong and precise, known to have been built by Gyir the Metalsmith, one of the most famous smith’s of his time.
The sword was built for Algora as a weapon during the Long Ago War. Algora, a mighty God, lead the fights and as long as he carried the blade, it was promised that he would be safe. However, if he lost it, he would be killed in battle. When the enemy was about to defeat Algora and his armies, Algora threw his sword to the captain who made it closest to the enemy, with his blessing. The captain lead the battle, winning it, but Algora himself, without the protection of his sword, was soon killed. The funeral of Algora was long and elaborate, lasting three full days.
The Sword of Algora was wrapped in cloth and taken carefully to the church as a remembrance of Algor and all his bravery.
The design on the handle is beautiful, and the wood itself is a topic of debate, for it is nothing anyone has ever seen.
Considered one of the strongest reminders of the God Algora, many who worship him use the sword as a symbol in their daily lives, painting it on their walls, or carving a duplicate of it. Some even make very small ones and put them around their neck or wrist. Many have tried to design a sword like Algora’s but there never has been one precisely the same.
It is said that when the time comes, Algora will come back to take his sword back, and that he will take his people with him.
by Shalyn, using NightCafe & Microsoft Digital Image
The Sword of Algora


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Aug 4, 2024 23:34

Really enjoyable write-up. I love the image of the sword you’ve chosen. It’s truly beautiful. I’m left wanting more. It would be great if there were links to learn more about Algora, the church, the country of Quai, or maybe even Gyir the blacksmith. Great job! I’ll be featuring this in my SC24 Reading Challenge.  

Summer Camp ‘24 Reading Challenge
Generic article | Aug 5, 2024

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 4, 2024 23:53 by Shalyn

Thank you so much! I'm planning on writing several articles based on the ones I wrote through the challenge and I'll try and get to some on this one soon. :)