The Wars of Hardavan

“To this day, many of the alliances forged during and after the Wars of Hardavan remain a vital part of Kalste's history and continue to be honored.” ~Roland Harver, Government Official
The Three Wars of Hardavan took place from one thousand and twenty three to one thousand two hundred and forty-one in the world of Kalste.

The First War of Hardavan started in one thousand and twenty three and lasted until one thousand one hundred and seventeen. The Empire of Illisiton started the war with the neighboring Empire of Goldion. Both of the Empires fell before the end of the First War. The people, tired of the fighting finally made a peace treaty, and many new countries settled.

Nearly one hundred years after the First War ended the Second War began in one thousand two hundred and eleven. Then tensions of several countries were encouraged by many of the upper-class who had their own agendas. One duke in particular, Tolyn Gresham, encouraged the war, anxious to have his debtors have other things to think about. He managed to get several of his debtors sent to the front lines and killed others. Later, he started a very lucrative establishment managing to sell arrows poisoned illegally. At the end of the Second War, he was hung for his crimes, which included treason and murder along with several other crimes, many of which were not found out until years later. It lasted almost twenty years, before once again, the people settled it with a treaty in one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine.

However, less than ten years later in the year one thousand two hundred and thirty-seven, another war began, this war the Third War of Hardavan. Many consider the Second and Third War to be the same war as a lot of the fighting was over the same things. The Third war ended abruptly in one thousand two hundred and forty-one when the The Croskin Plague began to spread leaving thousands dead. Frightened, the people went home, and began attempting to find cures, bringing peace to many areas.
Start Date
August 2, 1023
Ending Date
June 12, 1241

Cover image: by Perchance


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