Tiressa Organization in Kampos | World Anvil
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Tiressa is one of the states built in and on the ruins of the venerable Kampos Empire, located by the bay of Medos, with the Oros mountains in the north, Dawnmoor to the north-east and Sirimatai to the east.   Currently in the first year of King Donatru's reign, the kingdom consists of 7 duchies. Under this lies a varying number of baronies and a collection of city states with different degrees of autonomic rule. Most towns and villages are subjects of a local baron.   A baron is a minor and sometimes ephemeral title, awarded by the dukes to loyal subjects, or taken through violence or subterfuge.   Both baronies and duchies are in a continuous power struggle, and local armed conflicts are often ignored by higher powers. The dukes are competing for a seat among the prince-electors in the king's council, where they traditionally have three seats aside representatives from the temples and merchant houses. The prince-electors choose who rules as king, and the power struggles resulting from this situation may and have led to civil wars.   Recently, Donatru have seized power from Bahob II, whose family had held power for two generations. Bahob II has either fled or been banished, and his fate is unknown.   The King's road is the only publicly maintained road, which together with river travel transports most trade between larger cities.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

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