Henrietta Forgetooth Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Henrietta Forgetooth

Personality in brief description
A strong-willed and dedicated woman to her craft Henrietta is also the leader of The Forgetooth Consortium, she is a dedicated and brilliant artificer and creator. What she may lack in matronly appeal she makes up for in mechanical talent.
Their appearance
She has platinum blonde hair, crystal green eyes, always finely dressed in beautifully kept white shirts, sensible pants often in shades of brown and plenty of pockets for the many tools she often holds.
What they sound like
She has an assertive but somehow whimsical note to her voice, she seems to gracefully glaze over hard conversation but very happy to go into minutia detail into the inner workings of things.
What they smell like
She smells like heavily wooded scents, oil and sunflowers.
Current Location
Dazzling green eyes
Long flowing platinum white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 8'
Slender and strong