The Kurioso Heights Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil

The Kurioso Heights

Built into the side of the sable mountain peaks is the restricted settlement of The Kurioso Heights which lies directly above the Kurioso Depths. The Heights is known to house the secrets of some of the most brilliant minds of Kaomora. There are settlements set at different elevations within the heights and each is home to certain colleges, guilds, orders and workshops, specialising in different areas of both arcana and invention.   Each of the Kurioso's elevations are listed in the clickable links below.   The Gorzepi Enterium   The Platinum Plateu   Forgetooth Forgeworks   The Perigolt Peak


The government of Kurioso is ran almost exclusively by Modrons the reason for this is they are unwavering in their understanding of the laws given to them by the founding inventors and they are almost impossible to manipulate. This is especially important for disputes regarding inventions or intellectual property which Modron's delight in deciphering to get to the bottom of any of such disputes. The Modrons of the Amexi Noir have a hierarchical structure as depicted below.   Penta Primus This is the highest of the Modron society, the Penta Primus has the five founding rules embedded in it's DNA-Code and acts as a central storage for all inventors knowledge and reports. If you are currently working on a particular invention it is expected to be logged with the Primus for cross referencing and reporting.   The Five Pillar laws of Kurioso   Respect of the Inventor All inventors are equal under the eye of the Primus - no invention great or small is exempt from the rules that govern code 142-a. Any inventors found to be in breach of these rules will have their Kurian band   marked, four marks and an inventor is forbidden from entering any area of Kurioso and any attempts to enter will be met with force.   Duplication Law 142-a Any and all inventions are to be logged with the Primus - any invention found to be within the duplication laws is registered with a 142-a (Duplication code) meaning all profits from this invention less 10% will be paid to the original inventor. This new duplicated invention is however the sole responsibility of the duplicate inventor, any inferiors forged within the 142-a will be the liability of the new inventor and the new inventor alone. Applications for removal of 142-a's are only applicable if significant alteration deemed credible under the Primus has been met.   Amexi Noir 12% Taxation Gratuity All profits made within the grounds on Kurioso are made with a gratuity tax of 12% for the upkeep of the law enforcement system the Amexi Noir and the general maintenance and upkeep of each elevation and depth of Kurioso.   Grantations of Elevation Each citizen within Kurioso respects their station within the heights and that their bands will only grant them access as far as permitted by their accomplishments. Access levels Traders and Travellers are permitted to the Platinum Plateu Inventors are permitted up to the Forgetooth Forgeworks Arch Inventors are permitted to the Pergolt Peaks Any Citizen or Traveller found above their permitted elevation will be transported immediately to their appropriate elevation and fined 150gp per breached level +12% Tax and a mark on your band.   General Criminal Laws and activity All Criminal payments are to be made to a local Amexi Noir Official station. Failure to provide payment will result in a further mark and extension request of payment within 10 days. Assault or destruction of an Amexi Noir - 1,000gp and a mark on your band Assault of a Kurioso Citizen - 1,500gp and a mark on your band Destruction of Property either Public or Private - Damage Cost x 1.5 +12% Tax and a mark on your band if deemed deliberate. Murder of any non-bountied Citizen of Kurioso - punishable by death Vandalism - 150gp + damage cost + 12% Tax and a mark on your band Magical Manipulation of any Citizen - 1,000gp + 12% Tax and a mark on your band Robbery - Value of Goods + 500g + 12% Tax + 5 Years Mining Labour within the Depths or a Flogging by the original victim Disruption of Peace - 25gp + Lessons in Civility Tomb Robbing - 500gp and a mark on your band Littering - Fines of 2gp +12% Tax Brandishing Weapons without due cause - 10gp + 12% Tax Fencing of Stolen goods - 1.5x the value of the goods + 12% Tax Obstruction of the Amexi Noirs Justice - 200gp +12% Tax Slavery - Release of Slave + 250gp + 12% Tax
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