Adrian Bolog Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Adrian Bolog

4ft 7'
Brief History
Adrian Bolog formly known as Bololllogoo ollup, they made their way up to the surface of the Tobost Loch they live in the shallows close to The Docks. They life there to warn any who venture too far or too deep in to the Loch itself. Little is known of Adrian other than the name he took from the old Dock Master Adrian Kreeg.

Personality in brief description
A little sheltered and reclusive, they're a hard nut to crack beyond their general warnings. But potentially a compelling ally to any who wish to navigate the waters of the loch.

Their appearance
A slender build, with white and orange spots. They wear simple shell plates that are carved off of some far larger creature. Summer, Winter or otherwise they wear little but spend most of their time in the water.

What they sound like
They have a generally guttural speech and occasional bubble during their sentences.

What they smell like
Sea brine, crushed shells and Hippos Blubber
Current Location