Tobost Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


Town/Area at a Glance
As you roll over the hill and see Tobost on the horizon - it's large stone walls encase the city, you can see three districts each with different coloured tiled rooves and a few key buildings that seem to extend higher than the rest. Plumes of smoke billow out of chimneys and a large farm abuts the eastern side of the city.

Brief History
Tobost was the first line of defence against the northern dwarves during the mineral crisis, the river that flowed between the dividing range created a natural choke point for which the human settlers of the mid continent promptly set up a garrison. However once war faded from existence the civilisation that called Tobost home repurposed their militaristic settlement to be more of a live stock and trade outpost to offer the northern reaches a more diverse array of grains, vegetables in exchange for their superior smithing skills and hardier lumber supply.

While the settlement still remains predominantly human there are small sections of other races scattered among the city streets.

The Mastria family has ruled over Tobost for many generations, they held the line in the mineral crisis, they have ensured that the livestock society remains a profitable industry and there are always a number of strong men and women to bolster their defensive ranks, especially in these times.

Alternate timeline - understanding Since the mysterious disappearance of Jeremy St Rose, the town has no current noble controller. However should there be a leader to look up to his daughter Tasha St Rose is likely the peoples first choice.

The large farm stead on the outer eastern wall supplies much of the cities fruit, vegetable and grain production and is readily exchanged with northern dwarven iron and fabrications. These fabrications are often then redistributed across the mid-continent for significant mark ups.

There is a small temple to Auril, goddess of winter in the northern districts and a large church of Helm, god of protection that is in the centre of town. Most good aligned gods are respected among the people of Tobost.
There is still a strong military presence within Tobost, while the dwarves no longer threaten the population the vast array of monsters in the surrounding forests and the denizens of the loch still require many a strong man and woman.

Customs and Cultures
It is a town forged on the backbones of hardworking men and women, begging and general street performance is considered heavily frowned upon. Tobost is also governed by Common Law


  • Tobost
    Map of Tobost

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