Concordia of peace Tradition / Ritual in Kaomora | World Anvil

Concordia of peace

A Tradition marking the day the nation of Kaomora ceased the wars for territory over The Red Mesa and the treaty of trade was signed.


At a time where the races were less civilised a treaty needed to be struck to allow peace to move forward in it's place. The now defunct Arcanis Court produced this treaty in replace of war and bloodshed and created with the aid of Kraz'ist the Kraz’ist Treaty which outlined the appropriate guidelines of profit and trade.


The then head of the Arcanis Court Vintera along with Kraz'ist and the heads of each major race signed the treaty.
In celebration Altirezi Wurst played the final song of the evening, a tribute to his fiance. The song was commemorative of the day and his love for her.
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