The Red Mesa Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil

The Red Mesa

The town at a glance
Brief History
The Red Mesa often symbolises one of two things for travellers a welcome relief or sinking sense of mortality. This all depends on which side of the shackles you're on, of course.
The society here is centred around profit first and questions second, it is known widely to be lawless however while there are no rules there are many many many customs and traditions as outlined below. No creed, race, sex or view is restricted from this desert melting pot and many of the Savage Lands who wanted a different life now call this place home. So do not be surprised to see a Minotaur locking horns with a Goliath, or a Gnome trading tales with a Goblin. The environment here is very unique in comparison to other parts of Kaomora.
Money is a direct line to power in the Red Mesa and none have more money and power than those who call the Needle Peaks home.
The Red Mesa thrives off of it's trade in all goods regardless of who originally owned it.
Waukeen, goddess of trade features prominently to a lot of traders as does Mask, god of thieves to smugglers and thieves and the occasional old statue in dedication to Kooreg Slumber Sky the old Titan of Wind and sky.
There is no official military of the Red Mesa, however a lot of the more established merchants have their own private guard. The number of guards rarely gets over 40 but their skills are formidable in any setting or arena.
Customs and Cultures
There is no such thing as a stolen object, he or she who possesses simply does so. If you want something bad enough, claim it as your own. However do not begrudge the desires of others, who may wish to take it from you.
If you raise arms prepare to fight to keep them, while it is impolite to kill for sport, it is not illegal.
1 Gold coin must be paid in respect to Kooreg Slumber Sky per trade agreement struck. Simply by uttering unto Kooreg I make this deal the coin may find it's way. Failing to do this in all trades is incredibly impolite and can lead to trading halts.
The tradition of branding is no longer in vogue however arcane tracers are far more commonly adopted for those who own or trade in slaving, that way exchanged slaves can simply have their arcane tracer updated, rather than the painful and barbaric process of re-branding.


  • The Red Mesa
    A detailed map outlining the key areas of The Red Mesa

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