Fort Greywolf Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Fort Greywolf

Town/Area at a Glance
A dull and dreary landscape, muted tones of grey, green and blue form the colour pallet of the large rooftops, just visible above the towering stone walls each yet another tone grey with green brine and moss collecting at their bases. The occasional cawing of gulls that collect around the harbour can be heard and the distinct and pungent aroma of the seaside wafts into your nose.

Brief History
A town forged on the backbone hardy men and women. The Fort was established as a base to deal with the aquatic threats of the Sahuagin & Merrow. Predating that it originally was port to ferry people between the mainland and the Northern reaches of Lost City of Kasteron - that town now alas in ruins, the protection of those seafarers became paramount and thus Port Grey became Fort Greyworlf.

A society mostly made up of Dwarves, Gnomes has now given way to a more diverse populous consisting of the below. Dwarves
Sea Elves

An Iron mark resides in Greywolf as a dignitary from Hammer deep, they oversee any significant issues but leave most of the general running of the town to the local forces.

Boat and Ship builders
Sail makers
Underwater Expeditions

Umberlee, goddess of the sea - a Temple in town.
Gond, god of craft - small shrines near the boat builders yards
Deep Sashelas, elf god of the sea - a small church under the water in the harbour itself

Force Ice Fang operate both as military for the northern reaches as well as the town guards. Grey Wolf Navy are the protectorate for the waters of the area, ridding it of Merrow and others who would foul these waters.

Customs and Cultures
It is often custom to give fresh meat or fruit to travellers as a welcoming gift. A further basket given provides the guest with an impolite way of suggesting they move on.
