Ginsella Mastria Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Ginsella Mastria


Brief History
The Mastria's have been the ruling class of Tobost for centuries - Ginsella's husband Gofriel died of fungal infection in his early 30s leaving her the sole custodian over their daughter, a daughter that while known to the townsfolk - she is rarely seen. She is getting on in her years but still rules with an iron fist over the town.

Personality in brief description
She is known to be impatient and unforgiving, a stickler for time and manners.

Their appearance
She is short in height and has spindly limbs with a sinewy muscle structure, she wears a dark grey dress that is boned with long white gloves and sturdy black shoes that click as her feet hit the stone. She has long white hair that is immaculately kept and her features would strike that she was once a great beauty.

What they sound like
Old british lady

What they smell like
An overpowering smell of lime and mint.
Current Location
Pelor, God of healing, sun and summer

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