Gundarg Iron-Elbow Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

Gundarg Iron-Elbow

Gundarg is a Lieutenant in Force Ice Fang. He runs a squad charged with keeping Beuluge safe.
He is tall for a dwarf, standing at 5ft 3' with a muscular but lean build. He has big round nutmeg coloured eyes and wears horn rimmed glasses over his large but crookened nose, his jet black hair is always pulled back in to a long thick plat, you can see shoots of white and grey that swirl through the course hair like lightning across a sky. He has thick mutton chops and a bushy black moustache with shoots of silver through it. He has a piercing on his lower lip and an assortment of piercings in both ears with small jewels that dangle from each of them.
He is always seen in his Armour of Frost - a white full plate armour that glistens like a sheet of ice. He has a trusty war hammer with a sharp bladed back to it and a shield that stands nearly as tall as he does.
He got the name Iron-Elbow for cracking the skull of a Yeti with a drop elbow manoeuvre.
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