Beuluge Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil


The town at a glance.   The first striking feature of the town is the tall thick wall of ice that surrounds it as a sculpted but natural defence, which keeps the townsfolk safe from some of the more savage predators found in the near by forest. No plumes of smoke are emitted from the Chimneys but instead a dazzling display of dancing lights that seem to extend about 50ft into the air before slowly fading into the sky.   The town is made up of deep charcoal timber buildings each coated in a thin sticky layer of fat that keeps the gripping frost that surrounds the base of all of the buildings from extending any further up the structures. Adorning their rooves are the long bushy pine needles again coated in the same fatty substance and the dancing lights spiral their way up to the sky from the chimney stacks. There is no grass or dirt that covers the ground but instead a thick layer of ice. The air has a strong fresh scent of pine needles from the rooftops and lumber yards that are found on the western outskirts of the town. The village has a natural echo that circles the ice as sound bounces across the frozen lakes surface, conversations can be heard but from what direction it is always hard to know. The town however is whisper quiet at Dawn, when families drop line in to the ice and look for the days catch!
  Brief History
The town of Beuluge was originally a fishing village that was built over the permanently frozen lake of Beulu (Dwarven for Plenty of Fish). The settlers loved it there so much that they started to use the lumber to build houses around their fishing holes. The soon realised that the timber had amazing insulative qualities and could keep them nice and warm while they fished. While the timber helped to keep the cold out, it was horrendously flammable. As it was highly combustible it prevented the town from cooking or keeping warm when nights were very chilly. So the townsfolk enlisted the help of a Gnomish inventor Shybnie Zizzflare who came up with the the Lunar-Dancer360 which was able to solve the issue of combustible heat as well as create a dazzling light display over the village of an evening time.

This village is home to many a hearty dwarf, a few gnomes and two families of Locathah

The Village has a small council that keep affairs in order for the town. The leader of this is Thonras Bristle-beard, they meet quarterly to discuss the happenings of the town.

In the event of The River Turning, at the end of logging season they send the lumber up to Fort Greywolf. Which supplied the town with most of it's income. However in recent years there has been a rising demand from chef's and anglers alike to try their hand at catching the rare and illusive White Bellied Iron Snout and this has proven an oddly profitable tourism point for the town.

There is a temple to Auril, goddess of winter known as Glacial Keep - Prayer is regular on every 5th day and full moon.

There is a squad of Force Ice Fang who are charged with keeping the town safe. The head of their unit is Gundarg Iron-Elbow.

Customs and Cultures
Gone Fishing - On the day after the first full moon of the month the town hosts their Big Fishing Tournament. The person to catch the largest White Bellied Iron Snout is named the Ice Breaker Champion and given bragging rights until the next full moon. It is said that if an Ice Breaker Champions is granted to an outsider they receive 25% off all local purchases made during their stay. But there is yet to be a champion not from the town.


  • Beuluge
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