Kameleon Dust Item in Kaomora | World Anvil

Kameleon Dust

History in brief
Originally used by artists within Kaomora to try and further extend their artistic talents.

Their appearance
Fine granular dust that shimmers with hints of blue and green throughout.

What they smell like
It is often recommended not to smell the powder unless you indeed wish to fall under the effects of the drug. The smell however has been described to be acidic with mild aspects of chemical burn

Where are you most likely to encounter these
Backwater taverns, underground growers or openly in The Red Mesa

What can it do if consumed
A strong and addictive hallucinogen powder that greatly heightens the senses of it's user, people under the effects of the drug have commented on ethereal beings communicating with them and short bursts of mental agility.

The downsides of this drug however are many, addiction, loss of appetite, depression, rage, emotional displacement and long term psychological impacts have started to show on those who have taken it consistently over a prolonged period of time.