King Kesh'ak Sharas Character in Kaomora | World Anvil

King Kesh'ak Sharas

Brief History
The former King of the sands, Kesh'ak or Kesh was the first to discover Titan Residuem and with it the power to rule over the desert sands until his untimely death many many years ago.

Personality in brief description
He was a benevolent ruler, tough on those who sought to try and exploit the hard-working citizens and for a time he ruled with an iron fist. But ultimately it was adventure that he craved, he found his fortune and responsibilities a binding chain that held him to The Red Mesa.

Their appearance
He was a stout gnome, with a puff of blonde hair, a big beautifully braided blonde beard, golden eyes and deeply tanned skin. Now he is mostly wraps and bone, but he does everything in his power to maintain his beard.

What they sound like
Undead and a little high pitched.

What they smell like
His rose oil cologne ran out years ago and while he can't stand his stench, he can hardly stand others smelling even moreso.