Kochii Character in Kaomora | World Anvil



Brief History
Kochii is one of the youngest members of the grove, he enjoys time in the sun just as much as time under candlelight reading of the teachings of Melora, the Wild Mother and the importance of the changing of seasons.

Personality in brief description
He is free spirited, relaxed and calm. Rarely would something go as far to rattle Kochii.

Their appearance
He is tall even for a Furbolg, he has reddish orange moss that grows around the tips of his ears, a muscular build and pale blue skin with green and brown markings. He wears a simple set of leathers and functional hardwearing cloth under clothes that are in a pale green.

What they sound like
He speaks softly and slowly, can miss a beat when others are speaking but not through ignorance but more so do with the disconnect between the pace others operate and the pace he does.

What they smell like
He has an oddly pungent aroma of damp earth, old flowers and rotting wood.
Current Location