Fissidens Falls Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil

Fissidens Falls

Town/Area at a Glance
To those from a far Fissidens Falls looks nothing more than a few trees overgrown in moss. The branches long decayed and the moss is certainly well established. However as you arrive at the large mossy exterior, should The Grove accept you the moss curtains give way to a beautiful oasis of tranquil pools filled with lily pads, fish and small insects. The area almost seems to be walled in by a thicket of old dead vines and bramble that has since grown over with moss, there is a small hole at the top that lets in shafts on sunlight that dance and catch across the ponds. Off to one side is a large old oak tree that almost melds in with the moss covered bramble, natural forming nooks and cracks within the tree show life from within.

Brief History
Fissidens Falls is a beautiful sanctuary to those who form part of The Grove and those whom The Grove deems worthy of it's embrace. The Furbolg community that live here are peaceful, kind and caring. They are often a welcome sight for the weary traveller.

The society that live here are known as The Grove, they embody the love of Melora, the Wild Mother and maintaining the tranquillity that can be found here.

There is no political hierarchy, however if anyone had to pick likely Limbatus would be seen as the most respected of those in The Grove.

The Grove prohibits barter and commerce. It sees natures boons as offerings to be shared among those around them. They do not take kindly to those who try to peddle wares or currency in their sacred grounds.

The Grove exclusively worship Melora, the Wild Mother and have Lepidoptera House of Pray dedicated to her.
There has been no reason for a military presence.

Customs and Cultures
A phrase often used is "May moss be on your grave" - meaning may your deeds in life, give you the embrace of her love in death.
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