Le Mirage Botany Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Le Mirage Botany

Location description
The Mirage Botany is small sandstone shop front nestled between many street stalls and is aptly named given the small sails that surround it shift colour in the breeze and the writing that is etched into the small sandstone building changes as the light hits it to different languages.
What you see outside
A small sandstone shopfront with a singular archway and small sails that dance on the breeze that cover two other smaller rounded window holes.
What you hear
You hear very little but faint chatter coming from inside.
What smells come from it
An odd collection of fragrant notes swirl in your nostrils on entering the shop, some sweet, some sour and some downright repulsive. But within moments of being there, the smells seem to die down.
What it looks like inside
Inside you see rows of neatly stacked shelves each with different potions, tonics, tinctures, salves and solutions. Each with a singular bronze loop. Flicking the bronze loop will have a telepathic voice tell you the name of the potion, what it does and how much it costs.
Who is inside
A tall striking female figure with white and black hair, her skin shifts colours as she speaks softly with a cloaked figure.
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