Merrows Bane Settlement in Kaomora | World Anvil

Merrows Bane

Merrows bane got it's name from being the choke point to stop the Merrow from heading further south down into the Serpent Spine Coast. It still has a fierce reputation for a lack of hospitality and the people are as cold as the northern breeze that blows through here.   Society
A tough society of fishing folk, mariners and hardy lumberjacks. Likely folk you will see here
  • Dwarves
  • Dragonborn (Silver, Brass)
  • Human
  • Triton
Your worth is weighed in your ability, this is a town of hardy folk and they don't take kindly to people who aren't from hardy stock   Political
The towns mayor is Kraiger Stonefoot an ex-mariner who drinks a little too much. But no one dare cross him, he is as tough as they come in this little town.
Even the Earthen Forged give him wide berth.
The only noble family of Merrows bane is the The Sprayghast Family - they are reclusive and live a little out of town in their family manor Reikersted
They brave the oceans and are keen fishermen, they also export the hardier trees from the north down to Serpent Spire and Hobachak   Religious
Small offerings given to Umberlee, goddess of the sea and Avandra the Change Bringer should their fishing expeditions not yield satisfactory results.   Military The guard presence is similar to most found in the northern reaches the Earthen Forged will patrol the area and a few a stationed here permanently - they are usually their rookie recruits as the folk here are typically tough enough to take care of themselves.   Customs and Cultures
Merrows bane got it's name from the brave men and women who would drive the merrow away from attacking their village and villages further into the northern reaches.
A Banian may welcome the sight of the moon with Merrows Plight tonight. Meaning full moons make it difficult for Merrows to attack and they often see the moon as a sign of good luck.
Spitting -
Spitting just ahead of someone or wetting the ground is a sign of wishing someone good luck. Banians are just as happy at sea as they are at home. Wetting the ground in any other manor however is seen as a sign of disrespect. Peeing outside is heavily frowned upon.
Pineapples and Bananas -
A Pineapple is a sign of welcoming someone to Merrows Bane - it was a custom that came across with the The Sprayghast Family - however if you are met with a second pineapple that is a polite but frank way of saying you are wearing out your welcome. Bananas are strictly forbidden and seen as a sign of bad luck. Banians believe bananas anger the sea gods and often say they suffer poor fishing journeys and bad weather when a banana is seen anywhere near their boats.