Needle & Point Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Needle & Point

History in brief if any
A roaming side stall that has become popular with local Red Mesians, the owner a stark contrast from the typically tanned hides of this location, Shtiegvarr operates a fine needle and steady hand for needlework tattoos.
Location description
"Needle and Point" adorns the exterior of an old white and blue striped shipping sail that unlike other whispy silk sails in The Peddlers Market. This is affixed hard to the ground and on the other side two carts lay on their side, providing shelving and privacy for those looking to acquire some ink
What you hear
The faint buzzing of needles and yelping of the less heart occupants getting branded with their favourite colours and designs.
What smells come from it
The smell of iron, sweat and body perfume wafts over the breeze around this establishment
What it looks like inside
Inside is a practical minimalist set up with three chairs made out of the hulls of old small boats, two shelves filled with different inks and instruments and interesting odd bits.
Who is inside
Shtiegvarr Chester and a Gnomish fellow, with matted blonde hair, deeply tanned skin, white eyes and a chunky build. he wears simple leathers and is just finishing off an arm piece.
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