Quarry Quay Building / Landmark in Kaomora | World Anvil

Quarry Quay

An old Granite and Sandstone Quarry originally used in the construction of a lot of the buildings across this region.
Still operates to this day.  
The Quarry is made up mostly of the miners who work away at the granite and sandstone below. There is an Inn Keep and a Foreman but otherwise the society remains mostly underground.

The Foreman, Foreman Bjoren Kodergh oversees all operations of the mine and is the authority on all disputes

The mine is known for it's granite and sandstone production but there is also the occasional rare gem or precious metal found. These discoveries are the right of the miner who found them. It is for this lucrative reason that miners are attracted to work here.

Small shrines can be found dotted throughout the mining passages. Mostly to Moradin, The All-Hammer or Gond, god of craft but there is no set religion of the mine.

There has been no requirement for military presence in the mine as while tempers may come to boil the miners each respect their craft and work.

Customs and Cultures
The Granite Gut Challenge is a famous drinking challenge of the Quarry Quay and while many have tried few have passed.

Purpose / Function

To supply the local region with granite.


Three small Granite buildings sit atop the entrance of the large quarry.
The descent down snaking and wrapping around the outer edges till it reaches a flat with four mine entrances


Very few Tourists consider this location interesting, the odd archaeologist, mason or historian may visit on occasion but that would be about it.


  • Quarry Quay
    The map of the Quarry Quay.
Founding Date
Included Locations